
Remember Yesterday



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Advanced Navigator (80)

12 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-31-2023, 11:53 PM
She shivered as her breathing became labored. Confusion settled in as she struggled to remain conscious. Her vision faded in and out as exhaustion from the short trek here took over. She tried to find her companion who stood protectively beside her, and as help arrived, she could only hear muffled voices. Strangers approached her, and at first she tensed in alarm. She didn't recognize them as help at first, and worried that Astrid was going to have to fight alone in an effort to protect her. With haste, she was being moved. Lifted onto the back of the stranger. "Her name is Paradise, she has been sick for a few weeks now, and it's only getting worse." Astrid explained as she helped get Paradise onto the strangers back, wasting no time in accepting the aid. She had no time to sit and determine whether or not they were good or bad people. But she had been watching, and they seemed nice...she hoped.

"I suspect pneumonia, and old and frail as she is, I'm afraid she is near death without your packs help...I'm sorry to intrude like this, but I am desperate!" She pleaded before another wolf showed up. She nodded to the other wolf as she followed them into the territory. "Just make sure she lives..." She had been caring for her old charge for some time now, and was generally above asking for the help of others after Aerie disbanded twice. "Do what you need to do. My permission is granted."
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1. Remember Yesterday Cedar Falls 10:43 PM, 12-01-2023 07:31 AM, 03-05-2024