
Signs of Life

Pack Meeting



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Advanced Hunter (105)

4 Years
01-01-2024, 12:44 AM

The world. Not too long along, Terra had been pulled from the dank cave that had been her home and told of all the strange and wonderful things the world had to offer. Lotus had saved her, offered a glimpse at a better life and the earthen-hued girl had excitedly followed along. There had been a hiccup when she had fallen, her broken leg forcing them to stay close to Elysium for some months. However, almost as soon are her cast came off, she had begged Lotus to show her the world.

Which he willing did.

They had been gone for some time, the young couple discovering the world while exploring their feelings for each other. The months flew by, the youth growing into adults with hardly the blink of an eye and all the while, their relationship deepened. Only when their paws had touched every land did they turn back for Elysium since their debt to Manea has not yet been repaid. Paw pads roughed with travel trace the familiar paths back until the pack land is in sight.

Just they get ready to enter the pack once more, a call heralding a meeting reaches the couple’s ears. Looking to Lotus, the leggy woman offers him a smile and says, “Well! Looks like we made it home just in time.” Eyes dance with laughter as she walks alongside the taller male, her frame fitting perfectly into his large side. Where the timid girl had once been now stands a more confident, proud woman and she is so grateful for everything Lotus has done for her.

They arrive slightly late to the meeting but it does not appear to have to started yet, so Terra counts her lucky stars. Picking a spot toward the back so they don’t interrupt everyone, the couple seat themselves, with the earthen woman leaning into Lotus’s larger frame, as they wait for the meeting to get underway.

"Terra Qilaq"

Lotus is allowed in any of Terra's threads, regardless of tag

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