
we’ve had a good run, haven’t we?


Ember Carpathius

"I'll be the fire that dries the flood"

The Hallows
Head Scholar

Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
01-01-2024, 03:30 AM

Any time Ember got to spend with her parents was time well spent in her books, but it was even more so when she got to spend it training to use the weapons her father was so good with. So when her sire had offered to show her the ropes out in the gardens, the young girl was practically bouncing and barking with excitement! That's where they were now, partway through a lesson, paws dancing across the cobblestone paths and soft grass beds as Ember swung her wooden sparring sword wildly at her father, trying to land a hit on him anywhere. Unfortunately, Artorias was showing her just why he was the alpha of the Hallows and deflecting them all like he wasn't even trying. It was super frustrating! Ember grunted and growled with each dramatic swing, the clatter of wood clashing against wood echoing around the gardens.

After a particularly furious volley of swings, Artorias complimented her form, then reminded Ember to keep her sword up as it began to sag in her tired jaws. Blue eyes narrowing up at her sire, Ember delivered another swing, only for this one to be easily deflected by Artorias, who returned the favor by wapping her on the shoulder with his own blade. Ember yipped in surprise and immediately swung back in retaliation, but her sire was too quick, dodging and ducking his way out of harm's way. Drat! Amidst their sparring, Ember noticed her father looking back at the castle and followed his gaze. Laeta had come out to the gardens as well! Ember's posture lifted, her expression brightening, and her braided tail giving an eager wag as well. Even better, it seemed like her sire was equally distracted... Taking the opportunity, Ember lunged and delivered a whack of her sword against the back of her father's head, giggling to herself at the shock and surprise her ambush had on him. "Dun lef yuh guhd dohn," she reminded him of his own wisdom, a cheeky look on her face, despite being unable to speak as clearly as he could with a sword in her mouth just yet.

Their lesson taking a pause, Ember followed her father up to the terrace to go see Laeta. Although she hadn't gotten to see much of the older wolf yet due to Lae's condition, she was well aware of the special place their pack's therapist held not only in the Hallows, but in her father's heart. "Hiya, Laeta! Hi Mel!" Ember greeted the woman and her badger, standing just shy of a foot taller than her. Ember hadn't quite reached her adult height yet, but she was close enough to her adolescent year to see she would be no dire wolf. Ember looked at the wagon Laeta's body was in, studying it curiously for a moment. Was Laeta feeling okay? Surely she was going to get better soon... right?


Artorias and Briar may enter any of Ember's threads while she is under 2 years old.

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1. we’ve had a good run, haven’t we? Amron's Castle 01:49 PM, 12-29-2023 10:12 AM, 03-31-2024