
Take Me, Save Me


09-19-2013, 08:23 PM

She would sit there, slowly able to regain herself. She would listen to Satis, lips pulling back to show her razored pearls as a growl slipped from her throat. But she would silence when the two females spoke to the Oveseer. She was greatful beyond words towards them. But this would not end the way she had planned. With the appearance of a russet male with white huanches, she assumed was alpha she was denied protection. Spine would stiffen as she closed her eyes. Breathing was back to normal, but now she took a deep sigh. Before she could stand the silver female padded back to her and the dark grey female. Her one green eye fixed on the silver one as she listened to her."Thank you for your kindness. You've done all you can and I will never forget it." She whispered softly in her irish accent. She lapped up the herbs in one swift movement, praying that they would kick in fast. No doubt she would have to fight soon or else subcome to any punishment Glaciem sought fitting."My name is Keita...i will earn my freedom..please..dont forget me. I would be honored to call you friends and maybe just maybe one day, packmates." She whispered.

For once Keita had felt the bonding of packmates. A feeling she had been longing for. The feeling of belonging,of knowing someone had your back without a thought, the ability to finally trust someone. All those things she did not, could not find in Glaciem. She had had hope once, till she saw she was no more than just a prize among other trophies to Isardis. Standing up she would dip her head to the females before her gaze landed on the King of Seracia. He seemed kind and fair, and she did not blame him for his choice. He had a pack to protect. She would dip her head and bowed gracefully to him before her one eyed gaze hit Satis. Stiff legged, tail held out like a rod, head held high, she would march over to the Overseer. Her eyes narrowed with burning hate."We will honor this pack's wishes and take our issues back to Glaciem. There, this issue shall be dealt with. For after all this is pack matter, thus should take place there." She would growl out in a cold voice. With that she cast one last glance at Seracia, perhaps one day this could be her home, if she lived and got away.