
Stick to what you know



09-20-2013, 06:29 PM

It was nice to be out here, during the night to think about things that had either happened earlier in the day, the last few days or just things form the past, even if they hurt. Most of the time Loccian would avoid doing this, but every now and then it would help. She would sometimes even talk to Octavian and Reficul near the fields, tell them of things going on in her life, how Seracia was doing, not wanting them to feel forgotten even though they weren't alive to feel pain or relief. If some thought it was strange, the grey woman wouldn't care, it was her way to cope with their absence, her way to feel like she still had them.

She would turn her grey gaze towards the other woman, head tilting the slightest, ears perking up to listen to her voice. Old demons had a grip on her every now and then, and nobody liked nightmares. Loccian would nod to this, taking a deep breath as she pulled her gaze away to look up at the moon. Even if she wasn't looking at the newest addition to Seracia, Loccian was still listening. The woman explained that she doesn't get a lot of sleep anyway, that she has gotten used to getting a few hours of sleep before going on with the day. The Ambassador definitely knew that feeling.

?Nightmares have plagued me for a long time now, so I am also used to only getting a bit of sleep. I think... I have had only a dream or two since I was a child that I can remember.? She would speak softly, a small sigh slipping from her lips as she lowered her head to look at the Kingdom before her. It wasn't long after learning to walk and talk that her father gave her up to Carrion, that the torture began. All she knew was that from that point on she could no longer have good dreams, and before that she had possibly one. Since being in Seracia she had one or two good dreams, but she couldn't even remember if she had them for sure, or what even happened n them.

What had happened to miss Rivaxorus to give her nightmares, to cause demons to keep their hold on her? It would be rude to ask, so she remained silent, just sitting there and letting things happen. For some reason she felt at ease around the woman, that she would be a potentially good friend, able to share things. Of course Loccian wouldn't get her hopes up, it was just a feeling.

i talk.
i think.
you talk."

Awesome table by Lu <3