
Stuff It... Will Ya?

Lucette <3



Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
01-01-2024, 08:48 PM
Art & Code © Rex/Witchdogtor DO NOT USE WITHOUT PERMISSION

At long last, after seasons the news of Gavroche’s wellbeing had been confirmed. Not only was he safe, but he was with Bellamy, and Lucette could only believe that this was some sort of divine intervention to keep the boy close to her mother to aid in her healing. According to her sister Gav was safe, unharmed, and even better? He had bonded with one of Artorias’ children and had a close friend. She just hoped his enthusiasm and shadow-like nature wasn’t driving the poor girl up a wall. Her son was a strong mix of emotion from both her and Bae-Syl’s lines. Headstrong, reckless, protective, feisty… The real question was if she was ready for her boy to be home, especially now that he would be older with all that energy likely still in tow.

But the fact that her mother and son would both be home soon had filled Lucette with hope once more. She was still watchful over Bae-Syl, not wanting him to compromise his healing by doing too much too soon. Now if only she could get Baecette into a state of recovery things would almost feel as if they should be. Normal. Well, as normal as they could be. But she was going to do her best to help with that, especially with Bellamy coming home. With the pain of losing their father, she was sure being back in their den would be painful again. Which is why Haydée’s suggestion that they make their mother some special pillows had been so warmly received by the shaman. Calming herbs didn’t always need to be consumed, and sometimes just the scent of them could calm a troubled mind.

While her younger sister took up the task of gathering the materials for the pillows, Lucy had taken a trip to gather some lavender and camomile for the pillows. Lavender had proved particularly effective in calming their mother before so it was an easy choice for Lucy to gather for the plants. She also grabbed some Burnet for Baecette as well, an herb given to keep his strength up while whatever was working its way through his system ran its course. At first she had been extremely worried… but the worst of the side effects had been a consistent weariness that did not allow him to be awake for long. But when he was up he ate fine, and didn’t show any other signs of sickness as far as she had been able to tell. She didn’t understand his illness but… so long as he wasn’t suffering she supposed it was alright.

A call from Haydée was the sign that her sister had prepared her part of the project and was waiting for her. She had been working on drying and preserving the herbs so that they would be able to be placed inside the pillows. She had kept fairly close to the falls, knowing Bae would only worry if she wandered too far. A last check was set over the plants before she gathered them up. They weren’t perfectly dried out, but they would do the job they needed to do. Her paws would lead her back to the pool where Hay had everything set up and Lucy would take the dried herbs out of her bag and lay them on the ground before meeting the Leader’s gaze with a smile. “These purple ones, the lavender, is a plant that works well for mom.” Something that their father had discovered in trying to help her.

“I’m glad she’s doing better. It’s… likely being back in their den will be hard on her the first few nights.” Her expression softened. “So this is a really good idea.” The beginnings of a conversation between the two of them while they worked on the gift.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Lucette has two companions - a kodkod and a saw-scaled viper. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

Bae-Syl, as Lucette's bestie, guardian, and mate is welcome to invade her threads at any time regardless of how they are marked.

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1. Stuff It... Will Ya? Lazuli Falls 07:52 PM, 01-01-2024 04:44 PM, 05-12-2024