
demons are a girl's best friend


Ember Carpathius

"I'll be the fire that dries the flood"

The Hallows
Head Scholar

Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
01-02-2024, 12:20 AM

A call for her presence was not something Ember was particularly used to. Usually all the visitors to the Hallows called on either her father or mother for obvious reasons, and sometimes on the rare occasion for one of her older siblings or other family. But for her? Never. It piqued the dark-furred girl's interest even more when an unknown voice called for her to the northern grove, delivered on behalf of Erik. Ember's mood immediately perked up at the notion of getting to see her viking friend once more, and despite being in the middle of practicing different ways to braid up her excessively long flowing tail, she hurried to wrap up so she could go see him. Her tail was mostly braided and the parts that were still in progress she just did up in a messy but functional tail to the otherwise neatly done braid of luxurious fur. Ember hadn't been awake for very long, still in the process of getting ready for her day, but the rest could wait. This was Erik they were talking about here! She couldn't keep her friend waiting!

Ember paused just long enough to slip her antler charm around her neck and tighten it into place around her throat, the cord just taut enough to keep the intricate charms resting at her collarbone. Then out of Hearthstone she ran, her raven in tow as long legs sprinted north across the plains to the shady grove of fruit trees. In her early adolescence, Ember was just beginning to emerge as a young fae, nearing what would be her adult height and slimming off much of the puppy chub. She still had a ways to go before her metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly was complete, but already she was beginning to look a lot like her mother's daughter—long slender legs, lithe body made of lean muscle, her flowing tail kept up in a braid to keep it from dragging on the ground, and the graceful look of a sprinter and swimmer, thanks to all the running and swimming she did.

The Carpathian princess arrived to the grove swiftly, slowing her pace to a trot as she began to sniff about to find her viking boy. She found his unique scent quickly, and following it to a clearing she spotted the plum wine-hued boy with his canine companion. The smile on Ember's face couldn't possibly have been any bigger, and she approached Erik with a vigorous wag in her tied-up tail. "Sneaking into my father's lands just to see me now, are you? You know trespassing could land you in a cell." Ember giggled; she was teasing him of course. She'd never allow her sire to throw the boy in their prison. Ember walked right up to Erik and gave his shoulder an affectionate nudge of her forehead, grinning up at him when she drew back. Had he gotten taller since the ball? He must have. "I'm guessing you didn't come all this way just to say hi though, did you?" A raised eyebrow was given to her intruding friend, waiting to see what the reason for his unexpected visit was.

"Ember Carpathius"

Artorias and Briar may enter any of Ember's threads while she is under 2 years old.

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1. demons are a girl's best friend Wildberry Grove 10:47 PM, 01-01-2024 06:14 AM, 02-09-2024