



09-19-2013, 08:40 PM

The arrival of Sendoa would cause his stomach to lurch, the crimson staining attempting to drown her blue magnificence as she would saunter with a profound limp. A low growl would gargle beneath his voicebox, a train of saliva pooling behind stained incisors only to fall to the earth beneath him. What had that red-headed wench done to his people? Previously lightened anger would begin to simmer once again, gurgling and bubbling as his blood would boil beneath pale leather; rising from his body in fits of aggravated muscle spasms. How dare those weak fools manage to put his sister in such a foul state, he could only hope Sendoa had ripped the hearts from their chests. He wouldn?t doubt that whoever had tainted her elegance were in much worse a shape, the abilities of is royal beauty equal to that of her splendour, appeal.

His towers would flatten upon her approach, body tremoring with harnessed anger, ?My sister, my blue; what has become of the enemy? I can only promise you I will finish whatever you have fallen short of; I will allow nobody to leave my blood, my adore, in such a state.? His voice would grow weak as she would drop her body, rising onto his stomach in an attempt to crawl closer, weak forelimbs dragging him to her proximities as a coral snout would reach for the wound behind her elbow, to run his tongue vigilantly against the guard hairs. Instinct perhaps, but also fret, appreciation that her wounds had all been for her king. Though his anxiety would be distracted by Eris? commands towards the stranger, a sharp bark sounding from his pipes as he would defy her orders with a sharp, ?No!?

He wouldn?t risk this, the man was an imposter, and aiding himself was one thing; the russet would not place a paw upon his Overseer if her life depended upon it. Shaking he would attempt to bring himself to find his legs, hinds quaking beneath him as he fought for his strength, to stand over Sendoa, snarling as if he were a Doberman guarding the wealth of his master.