
Choices need to be made

Hazel, spider



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01-02-2024, 01:47 AM (This post was last modified: 01-02-2024, 01:49 AM by Hazel. Edited 1 time in total.)

He flinches. Cringes. Reacts in a way that she doesn't like. This isn't how Hazel wants to view him, wants to see him, but she needs him to see. It's for his own good but fuck-- it's for the good of their family too. She admits that she hasn't been the most attentive mom, but she's tried her best to at least provide an example. Example of what? Example that your bloodline is irrelevant to your value. Or something like that. Hazel doesn't have time to weigh those thoughts in with her own, though she grapples with a justification for hurting Bas with her words.

"You are so much more than what he's always tried to make you." The words are gentle. She's loved him for a long time. Her oldest friend. She's been there through it all, and he's been here through it all. To think, they're three. They're three and have already lived more life than most. Hell, Spider beside her, a yearling and... more. Hazel reaches out to wrap a protective arm around the child, if they'll let her.

Perhaps it's Spider's words that draw the most heartbreak of them all. It bubbles up in Hazel's chest, and she tries to prevent it from taking over. Tries to steel herself. If nothing else she'd keep it together for now. Had to put on a brave face, though her heart was breaking. "How was him leaving not him giving you up?" The words are ragged, frayed at the edges. Hazel knew what that looked like. She could see the similarities. "Blood is a pretty weak argument when it comes to fathers, anyway." Her tone takes on an edge of bitterness. The words are harsh, but it's all she can do to keep from sobbing. At once, it feels like her world is on fire.

"He's angry at Sirius-- sure. Not to suggest Sirius is without criticism, but--" Her voice cracked. Take a breath. Keep going. Try not to cry. Try desperately not to cry. "Sirius who took me in, Sirius who trained me. Sirius who helped Halo raise me. You're asking me to leave the Warlord, who's dedicated the last three years of his fucking life to making sure that we can take care of his legacy, for what?" She's borderline shaking, now. Maybe this wasn't the fight to have in front of their child, but Hazel can't contain herself. "It's not about who leaves. It's about who stays." Hurt blooming and growing inside her chest, taking her over.

And then the rejection of it all washes over her, too. Of course she'd be overly sensitive to it. The fact the thought had even crossed his mind... Hazel is trying to keep the dam from breaking. "I can't believe you'd think about leaving," her tone has dropped, volume too. Her head spinning. It doesn't matter that the rejection hasn't come yet, scabs have been ripped from old wounds. Hazel hurts.

"Hazel" & "Basilisk"

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