
the rightful... heirs?

viking puppy birth!



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01-02-2024, 05:34 AM (This post was last modified: 01-02-2024, 05:35 AM by Víðarr. Edited 1 time in total.)
Sakana seemed unbothered by the shadow king's commentary. That was fair. Quite genuinely, he's impressed at the professionalism of the healer. Not too intrusive, and doing what he could to aid Tenshi in the moment. It certainly seemed they knew what they were doing, and Víðarr could only do what he was told. He was glad to do what he's told, really. Any way he can help. There's a reverence, a tenderness with which he regards his wife. He's never been secretive about the way he loves her, and this was no different. He fusses over her, brushing at her tears, trying to bring her comfort. How much help Víðarr could actually be? Debatable. But he's doing his best.

Doting on her, holding her, supporting her as best he can. Víðarr will do whatever she needs, in order to lend her the strength and... whatever else. Sentimental bastard that he is, this is a big moment. Emotions were running high, and he was trying not to stress her out even more. One by one the pups were looked over and placed by Tenshi's side. He was nervous. Nervous, but each seemed to be whole, according to the healer. The gods had blessed them. The gods had blessed them in spades. As the healer deemed Tenshi on the mend and the pups serviceable, Víðarr fixed the boy with a rather serious gaze. "Thank you, Sakana. Please seek one of the thralls, they will set you up in a den, feed you, just ask. We will speak in the morning." It's an order, he will not leave room for argument. Still, there's no mistake-- Víðarr is grateful.

And with that, he turns his full attention back to his wife. Pressing a reverent kiss to her forehead, her wish is his command in these moments. While showing emotion isn't his strongest feature, he reveres her. "I love you," he breathes the words. It seems like no others will do in a moment like this. It's then that Víðarr turns his attention to the little polar bears. She was right, they needed names.

The large, mostly slate boy with the spot, already dense and robust as he was-- "Björn⁢." Maybe a bit literal, but then, when wasn't he? And then looking to each in turn, the viking king would touch them. Softly. Cautiously. He's never seen anything so perfect, and he is a man deeply moved. "Hallvarðr... Styrmir... Steig." Maybe he'd gone on the literal side for more than one of them, but that was okay. He didn't mind so much, and he did look to Tenshi for the final approval. She brought them into this world, she had veto power.

"How are you feeling, my love?" He worried over her. He fawned over her. Víðarr has good reason to. This is the happiest he's ever been, and he's never felt so fucking blessed.


[Image: bfcOTDt.png]
Víðarr has two Karelian bear dogs and a white morph tawny owl.  Assume they're within calling distance unless otherwise stated.  
Víðarr speaks with a dense Swedish accent.

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