
Take Shelter

Laney <3


The Syndicate

Expert Navigator (220)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years
01-02-2024, 08:11 PM

Delaeni gazed around in awe as Azoula led her through the brackish waters towards the jungle-covered island. The change in scenery from the sandy dunes to the lush vegetation was striking, and the vibrant colors of the tropical foliage captivated her. The air was heavy with humidity, and the scent of the sea mingled with the fragrant aroma of the jungle. Azoula's smooth voice and the low rumble in her chest only enhanced the enigmatic atmosphere of the surroundings. Delaeni couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder mixed with a healthy dose of caution. Her companion's mischief-filled expressions kept her on edge, unsure of what the feline might have in store for her next.

As Azoula commented on the beauty of the place, Delaeni nodded in agreement, her eyes wide with wonder as she beheld the unfamiliar sights around her. "It's... It is quite beautiful," she finally admitted, unable to find words that could truly do it justice. But her genuine appreciation was met with a hint of sarcasm in Azoula's voice. Delaeni tried not to let it bother her, knowing there was likely a request hidden within those mocking words. And when Azoula turned her piercing volcanic eyes toward her, Delaeni felt a sense of anticipation build up inside of her. She knew she had to tread carefully now. "I... I can look for us a suitable place to rest for the night," she offered timidly, unsure if that's what was being asked of her. Her uncertainty flickered in her gaze, but she was determined to fulfill whatever task happened to be bestowed upon her to the best of her ability.

"Delaeni Terblanche"

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1. Take Shelter Kamui Delta 07:25 PM, 01-02-2024 11:10 AM, 01-11-2024