
It's oddly easy to see through it


09-19-2013, 09:15 PM
Her pale body weaved in and out of the horribly dull trees. She stuck out like a sore thumb within the dim forest. Everything was dead and broken. She was quite spooked, due to the fact she lived most of her life within a more snowy area. She enjoyed the snow, it was so clean. Antoinette was a very clean woman. Her body rarely showed blemishes. She was the image of purity. No man has soiled her and her body was seriously a temple. Her Albinism let her live up to such an image. She lacked any color except a gentle pink that poked through her pristine white fur. Her nose was a soft pink, as well as her eyes. The woman was something else, especially because she was a Dog in a Wolf world. The German Shepherd was normal size for her breed but much smaller then a regular sized full grown Wolf. They towered over her, but her spunk overpowered size by far.

The unremarkable figure of Antoinette slithered through the souless forest before her pale eyes caught a form. She eyed the small Wolf with curiosity. It's dark earthy fur. The smaller size made her believe it was a yearling. Her delicate form moved closer when her eyes met his. A false yet sweet smile was forced upon her pink lips as french vocals were let forth, "Greetings, sir!" Her voice was chipper and hidden beneath a french accent. With a bow of her head would come more lovely tones, "I am Lady Antoinette."