
The Seasons Change While We Grow Stronger

Bellamy & Gavroche return home!

Gavroche II


Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Healer (85)

1 Year
Toy size
01-02-2024, 10:57 PM

To say that Gavroche took leaving the Hallows poorly would be an understatement. He had run, even going so far as to kick at his grandmother and bite her leg before she managed to get him scruffed. A good thing too, because he wouldn’t have willingly walked away from Hearthstone without saying goodbye to Dusk. He was pretty miserable the first leg of the trip, whining and protesting despite the promise that he would get to come back to visit. In time however he fell quiet. He already missed Dusk, and worried that she might have been more hurt than she had let him in on. Was he a bad friend? Shouldn’t he have protected her? Protests turned to tears, until eventually the lad drifted off, lulled into sleep by his grandmother’s rhythmic steps as she carried him. When he slept, he dreamed of the Hallows, of the warmth and friendships that he had there… and when he woke, Gavroche realized that he was seeing a landscape that was familiar.

Once he was set down the boy perked up, bouncing forward in the realization that he was almost home. Even with the ache in his heart for one friend, the excitement of seeing his parents and siblings again was enough to brighten him up for the most part. He had missed them, and he hadn’t realized just how much he missed them until they were walking back into Ethne lands with his aunt. His ears fell a little, a soft whine leaving his lips as he looked up at Haydée. “Sorry auntie… I didn’t know how to get home… and Dusk really helped me keep my mind off that.” He admitted. Was it wrong that he had been able to enjoy himself away from his family? The gentle nuzzle from his grandmother was reassuring though. He perked up again, brushing his feathered wing against his aunt’s foreleg.

“I’ve missed everyone too… I feel really happy seeing home again.” Staying down for long wasn’t in his nature. His tail wagged back and forth as he bounced forward. “B-But now me and grandma are both back! I helped make her smile again!” His face lit up. “So now we can all be happy and safe~” He wiggled forward, breaking into a run so that he made it a bit before his aunt and grandmother before dropping into a play bow. “C’mon! I bet everyone is waiting!”

"Speech," 'Thought.'

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1. The Seasons Change While We Grow Stronger Lazuli Falls 09:28 PM, 01-02-2024 07:50 PM, 03-18-2024