
Calling Somebody


09-19-2013, 09:22 PM

Hajime felt the heat in the fraction that it started. Already his reflexes kicking in as he moved to the side so that she didn't dig her teeth into his face area. All his muscled clenched together as he relaxed only his front shoulders for the moment of impact for his chance to attack. With his raised position, her jaws caught wind of his right shoulder and the pain made him growl. Her smaller size made it harder for her to knock him off balance but it did put pressure along him. The boy tightened his abdominal area to stay put his jaws opening to aim for her scruff. Hajime's eyes narrowed as he went for the move. He wanted to give her a good shaking and jerking with his head to try and inflict as much damage. His front legs lifted to try and get a hold on her shoulders. Then maybe he could over throw her, but there was always a weakness.
His back paws made fast effort to make sure he stayed forward, pressing himself against her. The claws on his back paws dug into the dirt, feeling himself being pushed backwards. His tail level with his spine to keep more balance, as he made his attack. Pressing on her to see if he could press her back as well. Hajime wanted her underneath him, rather than at a higher source. You never knew what would happen with a smaller opponent.


Attack:;He has aimed for the back of her scruff to get a hold on her and shake back and forth to cause tearing and plausibly the ability to pin her down.

Defence:; Back paws digging into the dirt, tail keeping balance and stomach muscles clenched. He has his ears pinned against his head eyes narrowed and body raised. Front legs trying to lift onto her shoulders in a hug type position.

Injury:; Wound on his right shoulder, tearing from teeth in his flesh.
