
Ikigai x Deimos

Two pups available!



ContributorEaster Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - Silver
01-03-2024, 07:15 AM
Name: Atticus (or Felix)
Gender: Male
Height and Build: 42" Heavy
Alignment: True Neutral to start

Pretty might be a word used to describe the boy, whose outward appearance is sweet and fluffy like spun cotton candy, familial purples sliding through in a dilute form, but looks can be deceiving. Beneath the fluffy exterior lies an iron core honed from fight training and regular hunting. He makes no attempt to be light on his feet, trusting that he has the brawn to back himself up for any challenges he may face. Spectral hints of koi like splotches line his legs, but they could just as easily be mistaken for celestial clouds, bleeding into the pastel hues of his coat. It seems one of the few looks his mother got in lie in his ghostly grey eyes.


Not the sharpest tool in the shed, the boy doesn't instinctively possess a mean or ambitious bone in his body, but he is driven, in particular, to make his mother proud. Tending to allow others to take the lead (he is a boy in a matriarchal family after all), he will do his best to support any goals placed in front of him to the best of his ability.

More awkward than charming, he certainly won't be one to woo the ladies, and it is likely he will need to get to know someone quite well before any sort of romantic interest will be kindled. This may, or may not work with family traditions being what they are, but it can be assumed that once he commits to someone it will be with single minded dedication to make their lives together the best that they can possibly be.

Rarely outwardly emotional, others might find the kid to be a hard read at times, but there is every possibility the hamster turning his brain is just on break.

Skills: Fighting/Hunting
Plans (if any): himbo things

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1. Ikigai x Deimos Adoptions 12:17 AM, 01-03-2024 04:13 AM, 02-07-2024