
Unknown Dimension


01-03-2024, 02:47 PM

In the dimly lit cave, the stones' cascade failed to betray Calista's presence, muffled by the sudden sneeze from the man before her. The musky scents hung heavy in the air, though they didn't seem to bother Calista as much as they did the stranger. She pondered briefly if it was her more resilient nose or simply a difference in tolerance. When her query drew his attention, their gazes briefly met, and she noticed his quick scan of the cave to see if she had company with her.

A fleeting smirk crossed her lips as she scanned her surroundings, limited by the cave's poor lighting. "Nothing in particular," he replied. Her ears slightly forward in curiosity, watching his reaction keenly as he resumed inspecting the rocks. A particular stone produced an unpleasant noise, one that didn't sit well with her, yet she maintained a stoic facade, unwilling to reveal her discomfort. "Are you?" His voice broke the silence once more, prompting a contemplative hum from Calista. She wouldn't confess to having followed him; instead, she allowed that suspicion to simmer if he did think that.

"I was merely curious about who was in here while I rested," she replied in a smooth, monotone accent, feigning annoyance with an exaggerated sigh, despite feeling otherwise. It was a calculated move to gauge the nature of the wolf she was dealing with. "Will you venture further into the cave or continue tinkering with those rocks?" Her question hung in the air, a subtle challenge in her tone, curious to see his next move.

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1. Unknown Dimension Northern Mines 10:48 AM, 12-22-2023 03:04 PM, 03-31-2024