
we’ve had a good run, haven’t we?




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7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-03-2024, 06:51 PM
Art & Code © Skelle 2023
It warmed Laeta's heart, beyond even the sun's rays, to watch her fellow pack members - her family of sorts- enjoy themselves. The clacking of wooden blades caught the elder woman's attention as she watched the Aegis spar with a young girl she assumed to be his daughter. Oh, how time so quickly soared. It seemed like yesterday she'd seen them barely toddling on their feet for the first time. Laeta was appreciative of the time she'd been blessed, to be a part of all this. To see children grow and mature. To see members, new and old, meet and become friends. To be a part of a home. To be home. While she had only been here for four years, it was the best years of her life. And regardless of how much time she had left, she would spend it amongst the company of those she considered as close as relatives.

As Artorias approached, the woman's tail thumped weakly against her box, her bony chin rising from the perch of a propped pillow to offer a soft nod in greeting. "Ah, Artorias! You must be careful, now - looks like your daughter is achieving victory in her battles already!" She offered a soft chuckle as the girl - Ember, her name was, wasn't it? - thwacked her father stealthily upon the head. Way to go for the sneak attack! She shifted softly in her nest of blankets, twig-like legs folded inward as she offered the father-daughter duo a wide, joyful smile. "Hello there! Ember, is it? My, how you've grown. I recall seeing you all as little pups, so curious about the world. Now you've grown to be strong, independent spirits." Mel dips his head in greeting at Art and Ember as well. "P-pleasure to see you, Sir Artorias, Lady Ember."

It's abundantly clear her health is rapidly sinking, the way her shoulder blades jut out like peaks over an ocean. The way her hip bones sharply rise from a thin, wrinkled pelt barely recognizable as a body. But it is also clear she is beyond overjoyed to see her packmates, her leader, all together. This is home. This is where she is loved.


comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.

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1. we’ve had a good run, haven’t we? Amron's Castle 01:49 PM, 12-29-2023 10:12 AM, 03-31-2024