
A Little More Than a Favor




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
01-03-2024, 07:08 PM

After she and Saracyn made the choice to start trying to find someone to be a surrogate for them to have their pups, Avacyn had been racking her brain, trying to narrow down where she could even begin to look. Her brother was right–they couldn't just ask anyone to do this for them. Everything in the Mendacium way of doing things focused on finding the very best genes to pass along to the next generation, of having a partner that is guaranteed to produce strong, intelligent wolves. If they weren't sure of the woman and her traits and abilities how could they be sure that their children would have the best chance of success? It did feel a bit hypocritical to be so critical when she herself was incapable of doing just that, but in this case she felt like it was justified. Beggars could actually be choosers she supposed. She tossed around the idea of going to Artorias in the Hallows to see if anyone there might be willing since they're removed enough from their own pack to make it easier to have separation from the birth mother, but in the end she tossed out that idea. It needed to be someone they knew well and someone that she could keep close enough to monitor the progress of the pups to make sure everything was going smoothly.

As much as she hated the idea at first, there was one obvious answer. The woman that Saracyn had originally been promised to, the one that Sara had already been intimate with at least once before. Scylla. It was hard to stomach the idea of asking the Klein woman to do something like this for them after going against everything she and her siblings had come here for, but their pool of options was small and she was willing to do anything to give Saracyn the family he so desperately wanted. She wanted to be a mother, but she wanted to see Saracyn be a father even more than that. She wanted to see that same joy she had seen on his face when they were expecting their litter. It was a hard, bitter sweet pill to swallow that Scylla would be able to give him something that she couldn't. It hurt and made a knot of jealousy in her gut that was hard to shake, but she didn't have a choice. Knowing the Klein woman's usual patrol routes and schedule, she strode out across the Rock Garden that evening, the sky darkening with reds and dusky purples. If nothing else if it was going to be a no she would rather no sooner rather than later so she could start making other plans.

She did eventually find her Master Warrior near the border and she approached the woman to fall into step beside her, not interrupting or stopping her patrol. "I have a question for you–one that I'm sure you'll laugh in my face for, but one I need to ask regardless," she began, deciding that pleasantries were worthless here. She didn't feel the stand-offish nervousness she had felt around Scylla before their encounter by the lake, but what she did feel was an overwhelming need to prove to this woman that she did in fact have a backbone. She could have very easily had Saracyn ask her for this, but she didn't want him to. She wanted to prove that she could face Scylla even with a question as uncomfortable as this one–one that exposed one of her biggest insecurities.

"Avacyn Mendacium"

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1. A Little More Than a Favor The Rock Garden 07:08 PM, 01-03-2024 11:10 AM, 03-19-2024