
I identify as a threat



"The Audacity™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid Queen

Master Navigator (306)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Wordy1KRaiderDream WeaverTeacherStudent
Double MasterSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
01-03-2024, 08:33 PM


Modesty had returned to Daager Isle (grudgingly), but it gave her an opportunity that she wouldn't have had on the Archipelago to send a message. Hunting had never been her favourite activity, but that didn't mean she couldn't if the mood struck her. Her latest catch was still screaming and thrashing in her jaws from where she carried it by the scruff like a wayward pup, belly bulging with more mouths that would take food from her children, if they were allowed to live. She intended to make a point, in more ways than one as she dropped the coyote on the cracked concrete and held it in place with a paw across it's throat, in full view of the elevated seat by the cage Jael had built. She even angled herself so there would be no mistaking that this was a show for her.

She had sharpened her metal claws in preparation for the raid, and while it seemed a shame to dull them or get them dirty before the main event, it was simply too good of an opportunity to pass up. With a swift swipe, she parted the belly of the coyote to a chorus of screaming, (oops, maybe she'd gone a bit deep) then she reached into the now gaping, still thrashing cavity to fish out the roiling series of bumps that were almost pups. She would have to move fast of the damn thing would die before she could make her point... Another slice, more careful this time, to remove the first of several and shove in in the mouth of the one that would have birthed it. The coyote couldn't swallow, with the paw pressed so firmly across her throat, and while there would be some joy in watching the bitch choke, all her thrashing was doing was trying to dislodge her last meal.

Modesty took her other paw to press on the chin of the coyote until the satisfying crunch and squeak of of a dying infant echoed across the empty space and all the fight left her thrashing victim, and she finally let go as a wave of unexpected euphoria washed over her. The Fallen woman's shoulders slumped, and a slightly manic smile crossed her face, punctuated with a deep belly chuckle... but oh wait, there were more, and they were close enough to birthing that they still wriggled, working their way towards the hole that had been cut for their sibling. Well, maybe her older children could teach the younger how to play coyote ball. Maybe Jael could watch that too?

As the body before her relaxed, and voided itself, more organs spilled from the open cavity and across the hardened ground. Interesting. Her head canted as she considered the pattern it made. “Do you put much stock in reading entrails?” She finally asked, her tone almost friendly, eyes turning towards the elevated seat overlooking the not-pool.


Thread Move Log
Thread Forum From To
1. I identify as a threat Daager Isle 08:33 PM, 01-03-2024 06:13 AM, 03-13-2024