
The Wild Side.


09-19-2013, 10:08 PM

The peaceful life had it's benefits. There was time to think, time to practice and time to rest, but Erebus was simply not in that kind of mentality. He had been in the relative safety of the lands for not even a week and his body still hadn't picked up on the mental note; there was no reason to fight. He wasn't a rogue from the old lands, fighting and scrapping to live. He now had a home, a place to hunt and rest in peace, but it just wasn't enough. Once a body entered rest it was much harder to put it into motion and he just wasn't the type to sit around and rust. He had to do, he had to be and he had to stay sharp.
There was a deep ache in his very bones. It coursed down his spine, caressed his cranium and throbbed achingly within his jaw. He had to fight, he had to move. He had never been the blood lust type, but neither was he one to be apathetic and so as the day had passed he found his restless limbs carrying his broad form out into an open plain. Intuitive and knowing eyes scanned the area and he let lose a feral snarl all his own. The smell of blood and passion and defeat wafted up into his senses and sent his mind into a more primitive state. His defenses flared to life, his amber eyes glowing with the need to fight. It was a natural urge and he had to answer it or remain a useless carcass. He was not about to resign to that life.
His blood pulsated with adrenaline. His initial scan revealed that only the shadows dared to infringe on his space. Hackles raised and lips sneered, he tilted his head back and let loose a feral cry. It was a wild cry, the cry of a wolf with nothing to lose and everything to gain. He needed to feel the pain of an opponent's attack and he needed to feel the satisfaction of teeth sinking into flesh. He reclined his head back to a level position, eyes scanning, body tense and ready. He felt the terrain solid underneath his massive paws. He closed his eyes and took a breath, enjoying the rush that was building within him. Eyes flashed open and danced with an almost manic delight. He was more than ready to take a walk on the wild side.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

OOC: Ere has the itch to bite. I think three rounds? Cant you can have the first move.
Edited for grammar XD