
Walk my Days on a Wire




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
01-03-2024, 09:23 PM

Even though she gave him every opportunity to not give her an apology for his reaction to her breaking off their engagement, he still insisted, citing the rudeness of walking out on his alpha the way he had. "Fair enough," she relented with a small smile. He was nothing if not honorable and loyal, after all, which made her actions that much more difficult. It would have been easier if they hadn't been compatible at all or she had some other issue with his behavior to point toward for the reason of her betrayal, but she didn't have that to fall back on so her selfish reasoning was on full display. Regardless, he and his siblings had stayed and she was grateful.

As she moved on to the rank Scylla had earned and the one that she offered to him in turn, she watched him consider the offer before mentioning the fact that their relationship was meant to be one of business and because of that he should be able to recover and adapt. Something about that statement stung a little more than it was likely supposed to, causing her expression to falter slightly for just a heartbeat. "Business. Right," she agreed with a slight reluctance and with a small nod. She was glad he was willing to work past the rejection she had wounded him with in order to accept the opportunity she wished to task him with. It was a position that she had struggled to fill after their falling out and he was the only wolf she could think of that could fit that void so perfectly. She needed someone with a view of the world formed outside of Elysium's influence and a shrewd mind to help her make decisions when there were difficult options in front of her. She had every confidence that he was the one she needed for this task.

When he officially accepted her offer she smiled with relief. It would be good to have him back around the pack once more and she felt like this was a step in the right direction to at least get the two of them back into a good working relationship. She hadn't expected him to agree so readily, but perhaps she shouldn't have been so surprised given the fact that Scylla had accepted a more prominent rank as well. Maybe all she had really needed to do to keep them around was acknowledge their obvious skill and give them the power within the pack that they deserved. Still, he caught her further off guard as he insisted on accompanying her to protect her from her own inattentiveness. Even though she could have easily insisted that wasn't necessary–especially as she watched him slide off of the bolder that had been his perch and she struggled to keep her attention away from the obvious grace and toned muscle beneath his pale coat–she didn't want to turn away his offer that was an obvious olive branch.

"Of course, my Advisor," she agreed with a slight grin. She nodded in the direction of the path she was traveling and continued on with him at her side. "I'm actually on my way to visit a few of our allies," she explained with a glance over at him while they walked. She was in no real hurry so she didn't hurry their steps, but she did keep up a moderate pace. She wanted to cover some ground before she got tired and had to stop for the night. "No need to accompany me for the whole trip, of course, just go as far as you wish. I'll start at Ashen and then make my way south to the Hallows and finish at Ethne." Since he was now officially her advisor, she figured she might as well put him to work while they had time to fill. "What is your take on our allies? Or our relationship with them at least?" she asked curiously. "Ashen, Valta, the Hallows, and perhaps Ethne after this trip is done... Do you believe they are beneficial relationships to maintain?"

"Avacyn Medacium"

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