
An Unkindness



The Syndicate

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Master Intellectual (244)

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Samhain 2022
01-04-2024, 11:22 PM (This post was last modified: 01-04-2024, 11:28 PM by Aresenn. Edited 4 times in total.)

Aresenn's smirk persisted, his lips twitching with mirth as Absinth playfully responded to his commentary on her chosen moniker. He couldn't help but chuckle at her teasing retort, finding a delightful rhythm in their banter. "I suppose you're right. Death and Despair might be a bit on the nose." His voice was laced with humor, reveling in the playful dynamic between them. Despite the talk of Death and Despair, there was an undeniable spark of joy in their conversation, a shared understanding and amusement that only they could find. As they continued to toss ideas back and forth, Aresenn couldn't help but feel grateful for their connection. Where would he be without Absinth?

As Absinth spoke, her words struck a chord within Aresenn. Her earnestness and sincerity made him reflect on the things that brought him joy as well. There was a warmth in her confession that he couldn't ignore, and he found himself nodding in agreement with her sentiments."Oh, you're silly alright. But happiness seems to be a rare and precious thing. If ravens bring you joy, then Unkind Murderer it is," he replied with a light and teasing tone, enjoying the lighthearted moment shared between them.

As Absinth pressed her muzzle into the side of his neck, challenging him to reveal his passions, Aresenn considered the question. His gaze lingered on her for a moment, appreciating the openness in her eyes. Finally, he spoke in a measured tone, "Passions... I don't think there is a specific thing I'm passionate about." He paused, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "I do like leading- ahh, maybe that's not the word for it." Aresenn trailed off, searching the depths of his mind for a more accurate way to describe what he was talking about.

Absinth's proximity and the easy exchange between them created a sense of camaraderie that Aresenn found surprisingly comforting. He wasn't accustomed to sharing these aspects of himself, but with Absinth, it felt different—safe. "Maybe guiding? Teaching, I guess." He corrected himself after a few moments of reflection. He understood it might be an odd thing to say, or an unexpected one to say the least. So he felt the need to offer an explanation. "I never got much insight into life- though I don't need to tell you." Aresenn knew Absinth came from a background similar to his own in certain aspects, but far more unforgiving. Holding her emerald gaze a moment, he looked her over then. Really looked at her, seeking out an ounce of understanding. "It's a .... fulfilling purpose. To be able to show some of Sephiran's other lackeys basic skills. I'm no great warrior by any means, but it looks like some of them lack experience. I was that way. I know." I just wish I also had someone who was willing to be a guide. But of course, there was very little to come of wishful thinking. He had the future to look forward to. And in that future, he hoped to help pull the Syndicate together. "I just get satisfaction out of filling that role for others." He finished lowly, offering her a faint half-smirk as he tried to read her expression.

"Aresenn Praetor"

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