
Ikigai x Deimos

Two pups available!



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022
01-07-2024, 12:22 AM
i cant help myself gdi

Name ─ Kizuki (rare; moon)
willing to find another name if necessary, but I am also picky so just let me know and we can go over other options together!

Nicknames ─ Kokorohime (princess at heart), Kijo (little one), Kiki/Kizu/Zuki
I'd love for him to have multiple nicknames/aliases that he uses interchangeably just for fun. He's completely accepting of new nicknames if someone wants to call him something else.
Gender ─ Male
Pronouns ─ he/him but is okay with whatever, he won't correct you
Skills ─ Intellect and Healing
Alignment ─ Neutral to start but will probably drift towards either chaotic good or chaotic neutral.

Size ─ 20", Light
Mutations ─ Horns, long tail, long hair, and maybe dexterous toes
Disability ─ Achondroplastic Dwarfism (like a corgi)
I can make him disability free if necessary but... cmon... one, two, three

Appearance ─ Bearing a strong resemblance to his mother, Kizuki barely weighs a thing with a pristine, silvery white coat at its base and a tapered black muzzle, ears, and toe-less black stockings on each limb. Even his eyes are a shimmering silver, outlined in black with a short row of dots marking his eyebrows and trailing off to the downward winged tip of his eyeliner and two short, pointed, and sharp black horns perch above his brows, arching towards his skull ever so slightly. A mixture of vivid purples and blues blanket across his back, beginning between his ears and framing his face before cascading downwards like a cape that covers the entirety of his thighs and the center strands of his long, beautiful tail. A band of black reaches from the point of his shoulders to strands of his tail, wrapping around the backs of his thighs and connecting to the stockings. Six black patches follow the band along either side of his back, beginning and ending with smaller sized patches while three galaxy-colored patches appear on the front of his forelimbs, as if his stockings had holes.

Where it came from, nobody knows, but it's quite obvious that Kizuki will never be very tall. With the same form of dwarfism seen in corgi's (achondroplasia), he retains all other normal proportions however his legs are adorably short. He is actually longer than he is tall, standing at a meager 20” at the shoulder. He's so short that even the longer feathers that hang from his belly, the back of each thigh, and his long tail often get dirty. Kiki hates to be dirty and frequently bathes (both in water and a perfume he makes) as part of his extreme self care routine. There isn't much about him that could be considered masculine really, easily confusing others when combined with his feminine nicknames and overall demeanor.

Personalitypossible to change as he ages, though this is mostly just a word vomit to get my ideas out there, but it covers the minimum word count for him to pass approvals if chosen.


Puppy - 'Ew,' is all Kizuki pretty much says and it was probably his first word. He is unlike most children in the sense that he doesn't like to romp around and play all day, he'd much rather take a nap or a bath and avoid all that 'nonsense'. He snubs his nose at almost everything, especially if it wasn't his idea first or it's something new. He's known to whine and complain a lot, though it's mostly about others moving too fast for him to keep up or that someone touched him and made him dirty.

Adult - Kizuki knows his place well, and that will always be in his sisters shadow. He loves his sister and is proud of her, but he can't help his jealousy. He acts out often, indulging in drugs, drinks, and men whenever he can. He likes to call himself the fun brother and while he can be responsible from time to time, he's often hungover. He's loyal to his family and his sister though, brutally honest and often offering his opinion even when it's not wanted. He's sarcastic, over dramatic, and known to be quite a smart ass with anyone that gets to know him.

Plans ─ Jealous of his sister (for various reasons; mostly that she's female and all the handsome suitors she's likely to have), but adoring of her. Would ideally like to be her advisor of sorts, either for personal life problems or professionally. Ashamed that he's too gay to successfully father a litter, probably stays closeted for a while despite it being glaringly obvious. I'd like him to focus on making perfumes, edibles, and alcohols.

i've also got a few ideas that would probably be better off in dm's lol
please DM all tags to @betchasaurusrex!
eightysichs/wolfbea was hacked, what's owed has been made/paid,
and i wasn't involved or even knew her during the time she was hacked, thank you ♥

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1. Ikigai x Deimos Adoptions 12:17 AM, 01-03-2024 04:13 AM, 02-07-2024