
Lock Me Behind Bars But Not My Soul.


09-19-2013, 10:32 PM

She had remained infront of Satis on their way back home. She held herself with pride and no fear. Each step she took would only fuel the burning fire within her. This place was no home, it was a prison from the start. She was naturally not one to be held down in one place without her choice. Often she would glance to the sides, thinking of running yet again. But this odd looking girl would only track her down again. Shoulders rolled forwards with the impending punishment that was sure to come. She was not sure what this would mean really for her. Nor did she plan to just let it happen.

Head had lowered naturally to protect her throat. What glaciem did not know, not even her, was that Keita was no humble female. A blood thristy past had made her hardy, a fighter. Her green eye blazed with a fire so fierce it would sear through skin and bone. She di not stop at the borders of Glaciem but headed straight for the heart of the snow lands. Hackles had raised, ears laid flat against her skull. She stopped, eyes closed as she gathered herself. Her body tensed, muscles so well hidden rippled smoothly as she spun to face Satis. A snarl so deep ripped through the air. Legs spread evenly to balance her, claws digging into the earth to anchor her. Tail held stright out behind her.Should there be wittness to this punishment? And a healer? She growled out. Brief flashes of images she knw not of crossed her mind. There a blood, the memory or skin tear, fur flying, and the satisfaction of winning, of knowing another laid dying at her paws.