
Cricket x Ghoul



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Pride - BisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
01-05-2024, 05:18 AM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2024, 03:42 PM by Lolaf. Edited 1 time in total.)
Character Name: Hag (From Hagfish)
Gender: Female (She/Her)
[Image: JrbbfkU.png]
Appearance: Hag is isn't hard to look at, those Klein genes coming through strong but one of the first things someone might notice is actually from her mother. Hag is small. Maybe not Cricket small but she'll only ever grow to be a few inches taller than her mother topping out at 17 inches. She's also tiny in other ways, her limbs are slender and her corners are almost elegant. Somehow she's drawing on a heritage she will largely be unaware of, even with a small frame to work with as she grows into her own body there will start to be a sort of sensuality to her form.

Whether Hag's pelt is a blessing or a curse will depend on who is looking upon her. The strong resemblance she bears will likely bring strong emotions to certain individuals. The girl is largely pale, even more so than her father. A pristine white covers the majority of her body, so light in color that the pale pink of her skin will likely be easy to see. But if she was just the one shade she'd not look so much like her grandmother, no she also has shadows. An ashy grey colour marks her body. It runs from the crown of her head, down the nape of her neck and to the base of her tail. Along the way it branches off in spotty lines, down her forelimbs, twice along her sides to her underbelly and to her knees. The colour also rises up her hind-legs and past her hocks. The colour also marks her left eye in a branching Lichtenberg Figure, or would be if the same spotty blotches weren't also there. The only other notable enough variation worth mentioning is that the grey on her toes is a bit darker than the rest.

As if to really hammer her resemblance home Hag views the world through a pair of pale pink eyes. Unsurprisingly her skin and eyes are sensitive to heat and light, making her more likely to be more nocturnal.

Personality: You know that one kid in stories that's always sort of just there, right behind you when you turn around, looking up at you with wide eyes? The one you swear you don't know how they can be so quiet? The one that says or does things that would be more or less normal if done by an adult but it's deeply unnerving when a child does it? Yeah that's Hag, and it doesn't get less unnerving as she ages. Somehow, someway she always seems to just sort of... Be there... Now not literally obviously as she can't be in all places at once but she does have a habit of hovering, silently watching, more staring really, eyes somehow impossibly wide. And she's quiet. Children aren't exactly known for their grace or subtlety but somehow even as a child she's got a knack for sneaking up on others. Not that she doesn't speak, she very much does.

Often times others may wish she hadn't though. Hag is fundamentally a curious wolf, she wants to learn and she's eager to do so. But her interests might be a bit... Off. Some might say morbid. She's just as likely to ask about why the sky is blue as she is to ask what happens to a rabbit if you pull its ears off, or if you can put an egg back into the mother bird after its been laid. And then if she can't get an answer that satisfies her she's likely to experiment for herself. Hag isn't malicious though, no, she simply has questions, and needs answers.

Hag also struggles to empathize with other living things. She knows and understands pain, discomfort and even some sadness because she can feel it but she'll need to told by others when they are feeling that before she will recognize it in them. She may appear violent but in truth Hag just cannot seem to make the connection between her own actions and the pain they cause. In a way she's even sort of eerily sweet, Hag likes other wolves, she doesn't ever mean to hurt them. Hag likes being told by others that she's done a good job or that they like her and may be a bit too eager for praise. But good luck getting her to reciprocate much if at all. Only those that can stomach her experiments and not judge her for her eccentricities will earn her verbalizing her fondness for them, in round about ways.

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Skills: Healing And Intellect (Anatomist and Witch whenever activated)
Plans? Vaguely menace those around her (without meaning to), be a little weird child and then little weird adult. Mostly she's up in the air dependant on IC events.

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