
Welcome Home Sweet Child



4 Years
09-19-2013, 10:37 PM (This post was last modified: 09-19-2013, 10:37 PM by Satis.)

Her sister, who stood almost 10 inches taller than herself, would seem to retract, to ponder somewhat voidly over an appropriate explanation; her expressions seemingly at ease with her mistakes. All the while Satis would grow more tense, gaze darting between the strange cat and the unexpected company of her litter mate. She craved so deeply to question her reasoning, to ask the familiar albino what had brought her to follow the sister that had previously been entirely alone in her endeavours. Not that it bothered her, but no real interest had seemed to shown on Impra?s behalf those few weeks ago. And now? Now she stood so confidently at the borders of a home she had never known, thinking it fine to invite a? feline, to her family?s reunion.

?The King?s pups are still helpless for protection against such a beast, your timing is unfavourable, and I highly doubt Isardis will grow fond of the company of the opposite species. It would be foolish to suggest only you were at risk when helpless newborns writhe within,? she would shake her head, gaze narrowing upon the spotted creature, scrutinizing him and everything he was. ?I would think it wise to warn Glaciem superiors of your plans for this? creature before inviting him to mingle with his rival species. However, do as you wish, I?m sure it is but a matter of time until Isardis sniffs the being out.? She would relax lightly, though still showing no desire to yield to its peculiarity until a leader had allowed it?s stay.