
Cricket x Ghoul



ContributorPride - NonbinaryPride - PansexualEaster Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Rapid Poster - Gold
01-05-2024, 06:24 AM (This post was last modified: 01-21-2024, 08:46 PM by wicked. Edited 3 times in total.)
okay first of all, h*ck both of you
second of all, this is a work in progress
third of all, heck both of you!

Character Name: Molly (like Mollie the fish but like, can either of them spell?? probably not.)
Gender: female
Size/Height/Build small (maybe extra small??) x medium
Design: throwing down my own illegally cute thing -- but also if you hate it please scream and I will choose something else

Appearance: Her coat is pale, flecked white at the base, a flurry of grey overtop. A little pink too-- borrowed from her father, splashed across one shoulder. Miniscule in height, though that isn't a surprise to anyone.

As far as her overall presentation? Much like her uncle Mac, she sports a thick ruff of fur, leaving her looking stark and oddly feminine. She will fill out to look decidedly adult, despite her small stature. Still, there is no runner or dancer in her. Molly is a clumsy beast, a bull in a china shop, and difficult to stop or hold back. Deep chested. Unfortunately for everyone and everything, she's all gas and no brakes. Oopsies. At least she's cute!

To complete the weird girl aesthetic, she has her own set of her mother's green eyes.

Personality: moodboard
Molly certainly is... weird. Social norms are fake, fitting in is fake, it's cooler to ask questions. Be curious, go exploring. No, like, she REALLY likes to explore. Romping and roaming around, stomping about, getting into all the misdemeanors her chaotic little paws can get her hands on. It's hard to take this weird little dust bunny seriously, and maybe that's why she thinks she can get away with things.

Suspicion runs thickly in the girl's head at pretty much all times. Does she ask so many questions because she's trying to suss a bitch out? Maybe. Maybe she wants to know all the stuff and all the things-- just kidding it's both. She's not trying to manipulate anyone, she's just... making sure she's not being manipulated. Is that 4d chess inside her head? Maybe. Blame the aliens.

Main character syndrome is probably her biggest downfall. Call it carelessness, call it narcissism, maybe it's a bit of both. She's needy and the world might revolve around her, a little edgy, and a bit of a punk. Cute little weird girl and an absolute fucking punk.

Alignment: chaotic weird neutral
Skills: hunting & navigation
Plans? you knOW the fucking concept that I've had rolling around in my head about the character that's CONVINCED they were abducted by aliens and that's how they got here? And that the aliens are coming back for her some day? Now, there's a chance that she's also super in her head about this being her new alien family. It could go either way, especially depending on what she's told. Thinking it's a trauma response but also if you do not want your child traumatized I totally understand.

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1. Cricket x Ghoul Adoptions 11:16 PM, 01-04-2024 06:13 AM, 02-07-2024