
Moon & Stars

Laney <3


The Syndicate

Expert Navigator (220)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years
01-05-2024, 01:13 PM

Delaeni blinked in surprise, her teal eyes reflecting the unexpected request. After a moment of hesitation, she nodded obediently, her gaze shifting to take in the picturesque meadow around them. The vibrant colors of wildflowers and the gentle sway of tall grasses caught her attention, adding to the beauty of the scene. Delaeni's tail flicked nervously behind her, a clear indication of both uncertainty and a deep desire to please her friend. "U-uh, of course, Azoula," Delaeni stammered, her words laced with a mixture of eagerness and nervousness. She was accustomed to Azoula's requests, each one carrying its own distinct flair, but this one seemed to be more about aesthetics than practicality. Despite her initial hesitation, she cautiously padded into the meadow, her slender form tentatively weaving through the lush grasses and vivid flowers that swayed in the gentle breeze. The sun's warm rays danced across her skin, making it glisten like dewdrops on the petals of a flower. As she moved farther into the meadow, the sweet aroma of wildflowers enveloped her, filling her senses with their delicate fragrance.

With a discerning eye, she plucked a mixture of vibrant blooms from the meadow, careful to select a range of colors that mirrored the hues of the golden-lit sunset. The little wild dog held her collection delicately in her jaws, her teal eyes flickering back to Azoula in anticipation of her reaction. Her heart swelled with both pride and anxiety as she approached, hoping that her selection met Azoula's standards. "Here... I hope they are to your liking," With her head bowed and her body slightly hunched, Delaeni murmured softly as she timidly presented the vibrant bouquet to Azoula. The warm rays of the evening sunlight cascaded over the cliffside meadow, bathing the scene in a peaceful glow. Delaeni's tail flicked back and forth, betraying her nervous excitement as she waited for Azoula's reaction. The sweet scent of wildflowers and fresh grass filled the air, adding to the idyllic atmosphere of the moment as she awaited the tigress’ judgment.

"Delaeni Terblanche"

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1. Moon & Stars Moontouched Cliffs 12:33 PM, 01-05-2024 06:36 AM, 03-11-2024