
i'm in trouble now


The Syndicate

Expert Navigator (220)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years
01-05-2024, 01:42 PM (This post was last modified: 01-05-2024, 01:43 PM by Delaeni. Edited 1 time in total.)

As Azoula emerged from the treeline, Delaeni's teal eyes shifted towards the approaching tigress, an unconscious blend of relief and nervous anticipation in her gaze. Though, that being said, she could feel a subtle shift in the atmosphere. "A-Azoula?" The tigress's presence carried a unique blend of power that commanded attention. The volcanic eyes that settled on her first bore a weight, an unspoken demand for an explanation. Delaeni felt the scrutiny, the unspoken inquiry hanging in the air, and a part of her wished she could convey everything she had experienced since Azoula's departure.

Azoula's movements were fluid and graceful as she circled them. The little wild dog could almost feel the judgement being made beneath Azoula's gaze, the weight of it made her want to crumble to the ground. But she managed to stand true. The tigress's words, dripping with a mix of playfulness and threat, resonated between them. Azoula's words hung in the air, and Delaeni felt a surge of anxiety, her instincts urging her to navigate the delicate situation with care. The stranger stood beside her, a symbol of the unknown in Azoula's eyes. Delaeni took a slow breath, steadying herself before responding. "N-No, Azoula, never." she stammered, her teal eyes meeting the tigress's gaze with a hint of desperation. Honestly, the implication of disloyalty cause a different anxious flair. She quickly made the decision to try and explain the situation. "This is Mila. She's lost too. But she was going to help me- err, us- look for the young Saxes." Delaeni's words were almost pleading, her tone seeking to assure Azoula, but more or less seeking assurance herself. With a hard swallow, she continued on. With a shift of her attention to the other canine, she drew her voice to properly introduce the tigress to her new acquaintance. "Mila ... this is Azoula." She announced lightly, not entirely sure if she needed to explain anything further.

"Delaeni Terblanche"

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1. i'm in trouble now Sparse Pines 06:05 PM, 12-28-2023 09:35 AM, 02-29-2024