
goat, anyone?




Expert Fighter (175)

Advanced Hunter (90)

4 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

Critical Fail!1K
01-05-2024, 11:21 PM

Cheeky, she liked that. She nodded to Celeste's response about the goat's intelligence. "They lack it well enough," She mused as she crossed her forelegs for a moment. The woman wasted no time in asking her if she'd like to help in hunting the goats, and immediately Brida's tail lightly tapped the stone beneath her as she slid off the stone and onto the ground near the ram-horned woman. "Of course, lead the way," She was hungry, and they could do with getting one or two of those goats.

She followed the woman but remained a little behind, creeping along the rocks and using her cloak to keep herself blended better into the background. The blue of her coat would certainly stand out, so she was glad she had made this not only for warmth and protection, but for camouflage as well. As they neared the goats, she glanced at Celeste and took note of the one that was their target. Brida would move herself into position, waiting for the goat-woman to begin.

Once things got started, Brida kept within the shadows of the rocks, watching as the elder goat got startled and started bolting along the hillside. She waits in anticipation. and as the goat abruptly turned toward her direction, she burst forth to intercept its path. Bleating with terror and fright now that two wolves were trying to get it, the goat stumbled as it tried and failed to get away. It jumped toward a ledge, slipping on loose shale and it tumbled back down. Grinning, Brida seized the chance and scrambled forward, using her shoulder to slam the goats side to wind it as it was thrown into the surrounding rock.


Thread Move Log
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1. goat, anyone? Fenrir's Maw 06:22 AM, 09-11-2023 07:05 PM, 01-31-2024