
down by the bay

raid meeting!


Raiders Hollow
The Powder Monkey

Master Fighter (393)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

1 Year
Dire wolf
01-06-2024, 06:36 AM

This was what they had been preparing for since last season. Though they weren't quite yet a year, their father believed them to be capable enough to hold their own in a raid. Calliope couldn't deny she felt excited when she heard her father's call ring out. Except she wasn't going to be the first one there. Nope. If she appeared too eager, it would give her siblings room to bully her. And that would never happen if she had anything to say about it.

So instead, Cal hung back by the building as she watched the rest filter on toward her father. She noticed her brothers and sisters show up with only a few missing. Good, good, it would be more fun with all of them. Even Kaija and Jael and that other splotchy boy showed up as well. What was his name? Jace? No, didn't sound right, but she didn't right care either.

Seemed as if she were the only one missing as the rest stood around. Well, time to get the party started! Stretching out her legs, Calliope took her sweet, sweet time to get up and wander over to the group. Looking around them all, she decides to plop herself at her mother's paws, legs stretched out, chin tilting upward toward them with a daring smile. "Sid's got the right idea, doesn't she?" Her tail beats against the sand as she leans against Modesty's legs.

Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.

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1. down by the bay Daager Isle 09:18 AM, 01-03-2024 02:06 PM, 02-01-2024