

Siduri & Kenway Fighting Summer 20 Seasonal


Raiders Hollow
The Powder Monkey

Master Fighter (393)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

1 Year
Dire wolf
01-06-2024, 07:36 AM

Summer was hot. So fucking hot that Calliope hated it. No, loathed it. Call her the Grinch because she hated it as much as he hated Christmas. Her heart was probably three sizes too small as well which would mean it was smaller than his. No room left for anyone except maybe her parents and siblings. That was a BIG except because most days, it didn't appear that she even liked them either. A distasteful expression and begrudging acceptance that she had to be around them until she was at least two. That was the rule and Abraxas dammit, they weren't even one yet! How was that fair?! It wasn't!

Want to know what else wasn't fair? Being not actually forced to take your siblings out on an adventure. Basically, their mother told them to shove off somewhere because the isle's buildings were far too hot to stay inside. Calliope would have been glad to just... lay about on the sand and let the waves wash over her paws all day, but noooooo. Mama said go somewhere else. Why? Wasn't the isle big enough for all of them? But then again, the look on Sid's and Ken's faces told her that she wasn't going to get out of this today. There were lots of sighing, eye rolling, and grumbling under her breath as they all loaded up onto one of the rafts and took off across the sound.

The wind was something to be desired. Forcing Cal to do most of the rowing since well, she was bigger and stronger so it was just faster if she did the work. With Sid yelling obscene pirate nonsense and Ken admiring the clear blue sky, Cal couldn't help but almost secretly enjoy herself. Though the heat was excruciating and made her fur feel blistering hot, she wasn't in a completely sour mood by the time they beached not on Obsidian shores, but on a plain that interwove with mangroves and brackish water.

"Land ahoy, mateys!" Cal shouted, standing up to all four and leaping off the raft with not exact elegance or grace. Water splashed up behind her and whether or not her siblings toppled over into the water wasn't her exact concern... yet. Not until she heard a rather menacing sounding hiss. A hiss that sounded all too alike a snake she knew could be deadly.

Standing knee deep in the brackish water, Calliope spins to face beached raft and her siblings. From a few feet away, she can see the large body of a snake swimming its way toward them. SWIMMING? Cal's eyes open and her mouth goes agape. Since when do those slithering beasts SWIM? "G-guys, uh, uh we gotta problem," Cal stutters, not because she's scared (Scared? Her? Never!) but because man, that thing is fast! Looking from the long slithering titan of a snake to her not actually defenseless siblings, Cal knew she had to be the one to save the day!

"I got this!" Cal shouts as she leaps through the water to meet the snake and surprise it by splashing water toward its face. With the snake recoiling from the sudden attack of water, Cal takes her chance and wraps her front legs around the snake's head and holds on for dear life as she begins to thrash around with the enemy, hoping she doesn't drown.

wc: 561/1500

Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.

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1. GET THESE MTHR FCKN SNAKES OFF THIS MTHER FCKN PLANE Sea's Plain 07:36 AM, 01-06-2024 04:53 PM, 02-08-2024