
Calling Somebody


09-19-2013, 11:49 PM

Hajime let a deep growl escape his throat a menacing one as the pain built up. The attack was fast like any other fight as she quickly tried to take the upper hand. If he stayed on her neck with his head shaking she would probably succeed with her plans. With her movement he suddenly let go, raising his left paw and trying to slap her in the face and claw at her eyes. As her teeth came in contact with the lower confines of the right side of his neck in his position close to his chest. Her teeth dug in as he continued to try and slap her face as hard as he could. Placing pressure on her with his body and shoulders to try and flip her to the left. His tail whipped behind him like a rudder to keep him balanced as his back legs used their muscles to keep afoot. His ears pinned back and eyes narrowed.
She tried to pull him closer with a paw coming up to hook him, as she hooked her right forelimb on his left shoulder. His head went down jaws splayed open to try and get a hold to the right side of her neck and shoulder. Again with his shaking to attempt to try and tear as much flesh off as he could and cause the most damage. Though causing more damage towards the wound inflicted on his neck near his chest. He didn't want to kill her, but he was not going to let her take the upper hand so easily. His toes splayed apart as his upper legs pressed against her shoulders down on her. Hajime tightened his muscles more for his support and better balance. Shaking his head, to try to prevent her from choking him along with her attack.


Attack:; Hajime is trying to swat her off with his left foreleg, by lifting it and clawing at her face. He then presses against her shoulders with his legs to try and push her to the left side down. He opens his jaws to shake and tear on the right side of her neck and shoulder. While placing most of his body weight on her.

Defense:; Ears flat, tail flailing behind for balance. Eyes narrowed and muscles around stomach area tensed. Toes splayed with his raised body position to avoid his jugular being hit. Shaking his head to try and make it difficult to choke him out.

Injuries:; Tears on right shoulder about an inch deep. Right side of neck near chest has gashes and possibly more damage depending on next post, more tearing because of his own movements.
