
Dance Macabre



Advanced Navigator (70)

Advanced Healer (95)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
01-06-2024, 09:00 PM

Kiliaen's steps faltered as the distant figure emerged along the obsidian shore- not all that different in appearance- interrupting the tranquility she had been reveling in. Her citrine eyes fixed on the approaching man, a flicker of caution crossing her features amidst the otherwise serene countenance. She had been absorbed in the allure of the surroundings that had drawn her in. Yet, the arrival of this stranger, his presence starkly different from the whispers of nature she had been attuned to, shifted the atmosphere entirely.

As Rhazien neared, Kiliaen maintained her composure, though a subtle unease tingled at the edges of her being. His words, laced with charm- it was easy for her to fall for it and miss the venomous undertone. "Hello," Kiliaen responded lightly, her voice soft and measured. Her eyes held a gentle curiosity but remained guarded. She noticed the predatory glint in his gaze, the unspoken intentions that danced beneath his courteous words. It was easy to get lost in the magnetism that drew her in. And when he set his catch down in order to speak, his voice was something else entirely.

A grin spread over her expression as it became hard to maintain his eye contact, heat rushing to her face at the sickly sweet words. "I'm no angel ..." She answered meekly, letting her words trail off as it was hard to accept the compliment.. Her citrine gaze falling to the fish that he had left on the ground. "You're quite the fisherman." She remarked, trying to shift the attention off herself.  

"Kiliaen Ward."

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1. Dance Macabre Obsidian Beach 04:20 PM, 01-06-2024 10:15 AM, 03-31-2024