
The Seasons Change While We Grow Stronger

Bellamy & Gavroche return home!


"I'll Rise Up"


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ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
01-07-2024, 10:04 PM

With the approach of Ethne’s borders, it is delightful to see young Gavroche’s struggles to leave turn into excitement at the thought of seeing his family once again. As Haydée gently talks about how his family has been missing him, Bellamy is quick to offer up her apologies for not sending word to her sooner. However, the girl is quick to wave it off as she easily says, “There is no need for that mom! Gav was having the time of his life and you were healing. The way I see it, he was right where he was meant to be.”

The laugh that follows is light and filled with joy because Bellamy is here walking back into Ethne lands beside her instead of buried in the ground alongside her mate. This truly is a wonderful day. At her mother’s next words Haydée puffs out a short chuckle as she teases, “Well, we didn’t burn the pack down in your absence so I call that a win!” Green eyes catch her mother’s gaze and there is a sparkle of mirth and excitement that had been hidden for so long after her father’s death.

Looking to the young Gav as they slowly plod toward the waterfall of their home, the girl leans toward him to bump his shoulder and say, “I know you are missing your friend, Gav but, I will take you over to the Hallows anytime you want to see her… okay?” Hopefully, that will help ease the boy’s mind about his absent friend and show him that Dusk is not beyond his reach. At the brush of his feathered wing, Haydée looks to her reincarnated father and blinks as bounces forward.

For a moment, she sees her dad, his kind soul beaming out at her from underneath the veil of lost memories and youth. Yet, even as she spies him, she realizes that, where her father had grown up with hardships, their little Gavroche has only known love and that is all he will continue to be shown. As the boy’s face lights up, a happy laugh bubbles out from Haydée and her eyes dance with cheerfulness as she watches him almost burst with the merriment that only youth seem to know.

Gav dips down into a play bow and Hay is quick to mirror him, butt high, tail curling up over her back as her paws jitter across the ground. Eyes widen with excitement as she says, “You think so? Well, guess what? I know they are waiting! And, I heard there are a couple surprises waiting for you two!” Leveraging her front end up, the girl bounces from side and side, keeping her attention on the enthusiastic little boy before she pauses and asks, “Do you remember the path to your den?”

A challenge is about to be issued if the boy remembers but, if he doesn’t they will all run to the falls… together. The young Leader’s heart feels fit to burst from all the love she feels and she is happy that her family is home once again.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

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1. The Seasons Change While We Grow Stronger Lazuli Falls 09:28 PM, 01-02-2024 07:50 PM, 03-18-2024