
you'll always be my sunshines

puppy play date!



Advanced Fighter (60)

Beginner Hunter (0)

1 Year
Dire wolf
01-07-2024, 11:45 PM
Another trip outside! But this time, they were going somewhere far, far away, so far that mom had to carry them in her travel bags! Hal didn't much care for being scooped up like a sack of potatoes and deposited in the bags like groceries, but if it meant he got to go see more of the mountain, then he'd grumble and bear it. And grumble and bear it he did, only occasionally trying to clamber out of the bags before an observant snow leopard would run up and nudge him back in with a warning growl. Ever the fighter, Hallvarðr would growl back, but settle in with a pout. They'd better get wherever they were going soon or he was gonna start biting ears and noses.

Eventually the trek down the mountain arrived at one of the Maw's many valleys, this one filled with a field of summer wildflowers. Hal looked around at all the colorful plants for a moment, taking in all their many varieties while Tenshi let them down. He hopped out of the bag and rushed over to the nearest flower, sniffing and batting at it with a curious paw a few times before he decided he was bored with it. Flowers and plants were boring. Tenshi gave her stern warning to stay within eyesight, a warning that Hal heard but hadn't decided if he was going to heed yet, and flashed his mother a sweet smile, complete with a tail wag and everything.

Left to their own devices, Hal quickly snapped the stem of the flower and went around to a couple more, gathering a flower of different color each time until he had a small bunch in his tiny snout. Carrying his mini bouquet back to Tenshi, he hopped up to place his paws on his mom's shoulders and presented her with the flowers, scattering them all across her forelegs. "These are for you, Mama!" the boy declared proudly, all smiles and tail wags. He might not have cared for the flowers, but girls liked flowers, right? Plus maybe they'd make a good bargaining chip to keep him out of trouble which he most definitely was not planning on doing immediately after this, no sir not at all!

Víðarr and Tenshi may enter any of Hallvarðr's threads while he is under 2 years old.

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1. you'll always be my sunshines Fenrir's Maw 09:51 AM, 01-06-2024 02:14 PM, 03-13-2024