
wherever you’re going, can i come too?




3 Years

Pride - Pansexual
01-08-2024, 03:41 AM

setting up a kingdom… for the first time since meeting him, Dulla observed the finely sculpted lines of his face and wondered at the origin of his heritage. surely only the truly noble could produce such beauty, such raw power. was he royal? did he intend to become it? it wasn’t hard to imagine him as some dark, roguish prince draped across a throne, gazing out at his siblings with those brilliant eyes. her dark prince. Dulla flushed at her thoughts. he wasn’t her anything; he’d abandoned her after their night together - no matter how hard he’d claimed to have been searching. but this fact was becoming increasingly harder to remember in the face of his charm offensive. the words dripping off his tongue was like honey pouring directly into her ears, stripping her bare and leaving her utterly defensive. oh, why was she even bothering to put up a fight? they both knew she was his, had been his the moment he’d taken her into his arms. she felt silly for even bothering, like a child throwing a strop. she half suspected he was simply indulging her. “i’ve felt the cold, too,” she sighed, a hint of reproach in her voice. “i longed for you then, and you never came.” she had to keep up at least a pretence of irritation, otherwise the last vestiges of her dignity were sure yo be dislodged. but she could feel herself crumbling by the second; a little while more and she was sure to be putty in his hands. “perhaps you should be making it up to me,” she murmured, but the words were teasing, and a telling shudder ran through her at his close proximity. a hint of daring propelled her forward, aiming to press herself against his chest, her nose buried in the crook of his neck. “don’t leave again,” she whispered, the words a faint plea. she felt terribly vulnerable, shaking unsteadily like a newly born babe. he had such power in this moment, to shatter her completely if he chose. a word from him would send her away and crack her heart wide open. “i’ll make it up to you in anyone you want. just…let me stay.” let me stay by your side.


