
Come at me, Bro!



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (240)

1 Year
Dire wolf
01-08-2024, 05:02 PM
Cadaver's mismatched eyes widened with surprise as Redrum sprinted into the fray, drawing the attention of the coyote away from himself. He was overwhelmed with a flush of annoyance, feeling a tinge of jealousy mix with his competitive nature. This was supposed to be his fight! Though, Cadaver's initial irritation turned into shocked disbelief as the coyote latched onto Redrum with a ferocity he hadn't anticipated. This wasn't going to be a playful scuffle like before- this was a fight for survival. And in that moment, Cadaver realized he may have underestimated the danger they were facing. But he certainly wouldn't be out done.

As Redrum engaged the coyote, Cadaver's mind raced. The initial surge of adrenaline and excitement at facing a lone predator quickly gave way to a more sobering realization of the danger they were in. But even as fear crept in, Cadaver refused to let go of his determination. His mismatched eyes burned with fierce resolve as he sprang into action, his paws propelling him towards the skirmish with lightning speed. Every bit of his youthful energy was focused on aiding the older boy. With a snarl ripping from his throat, Cadaver lunged for the coyote's hindquarters, using his sharp teeth to distract and disrupt the predator's focus. He snapped and bit at the air, desperate to find purchase on the coyote's fur. The young wolf's barks and growls mingled with Redrum's, creating an intense chorus of noise as the two pups fought side by side against their wild enemy.

The coyote, now facing attacks from two fronts, growled and snarled in frustration. Its attention shifted between the persistent young wolves, unsure of which to prioritize. Cadaver could see the conflict in the coyote's eyes, a flicker of uncertainty that fueled his determination. He needed to keep the predator off balance, to give Redrum the advantage he needed to turn the tide of the fight.

1160 / 1500 words
"Cadaver Nightwing"

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1. Come at me, Bro! Dancefloor of the Gods 02:10 PM, 01-08-2024 11:10 AM, 01-11-2024