
Ikigai x Deimos

Two pups available!



ContributorPride - NonbinaryPride - PansexualEaster Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Rapid Poster - Gold
01-08-2024, 05:11 PM (This post was last modified: 01-21-2024, 06:00 PM by wicked. Edited 4 times in total.)
Done** for now
(** I reserve the right to tinker with it until apps are closed but behold)

Name: Dominus Mendacium
Gender: male
Height and Build: XL & heavy-- unless I crack open a dire in my halloween items or I can trade one off someone
Alignment: lawful evil
Hot. You ever meet a man who's dummy thicc for NO reason? That.
design but also idk i'm not completely married to it

Dominus is a thick boy. He puts effort into being stacked and toned, maintaining himself like a finely tuned machine. A strong boy, and a boy who will drive and force himself to become stronger. Pushing himself is the part that comes naturally, his system well-tuned for endurance. Outside of that? Though his abilities will be average, it's the pushing himself that sets Dom apart. Everything he comes by physically will be with work.

Handsome boy. Heartbreakingly handsome-- silver eyes, shapely figure, devastatingly refined and pretty (for a boy) features. His mother's son. The same steely grace lives inside Dominus, but his is something a bit more predatory. The grace and self assurance of the executioner himself.
brutal & reverent & obsessive
There's an old soul, older than you'd know, lurking in his bones. Observant and quick witted, though something deep inside him isn't... exactly right. Not quite sinister, but perhaps a little unsettling. Maybe it comes from his deep connections to the ancients, maybe it's something else. He doesn't apologize, and he will not make himself smaller to make others more comfortable. Looming large is his specialty, after all. A protector, a watcher, an executioner. Callings that all speak to him equally.

The protector, perhaps above all. Capable of violence when necessary, happy to deal punishments he views as just. Unfortunately, his brand of justice is particularly brutal. Past an eye for an eye, if you touch something of his... good luck trying to pay for it. Unafraid of brutality. Though he plays by the rules, they are the rules set forth by the matriarch. That, and the rules set out by his mother.

Obsessive, reverent, religious boys often turn into obsessive, reverent, religious men. Unfortunately that's where the trouble will probably begin.

Skills: fighting & intellect -- blessed build for flavor or bard build if that's what the pack needs.
Plans (if any): deeply religious, a bit of a momma's boy. I want his vibes to be lawful evil crusader paladin by the time he hits adulthood.

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1. Ikigai x Deimos Adoptions 12:17 AM, 01-03-2024 04:13 AM, 02-07-2024