
Tips for safe travels

Heiðinn pack expansion - navigation



Master Fighter (275)

Advanced Navigator (80)

1 Year
Extra large
01-09-2024, 08:23 AM (This post was last modified: 01-11-2024, 10:25 AM by Lumine. Edited 1 time in total.)

Lumine should not have been the first choice in attending the party for expansion into the crypts. The only reason she was even allowed to go was because she was going with a group of trusted wolves from the pack. Her father had said that as long as she stayed near Kiela, she would be okay and had only resolved to even saying yes after Lumine had pestered him for hours. It had been his fault really. Shouldn't have been discussing pack matters with mother in the den and within her ear shot. While her other siblings may not have been interested in listening, Lumine was. She had sat there, ears attentive, eyes never leaving her parents as they conversated about expanding into the crypts. Both had tried to tell her no, but those puppy eyes were... hard to say no to.

As they approached the crypt, Lumine felt a shiver run down her spine. The entry to said crypt was honestly terrifying for a puppy. Dark, looming, full of cobwebs. Though it were summer, a cold draft whooshed up from below. The feeling of damp and musty pressure against her face had her nose wrinkling and her legs shaking slightly. She even went as far as to step a little closer to Kiela as they made their way further down into the crypt.

She listened to the way their nails clicked against the slick stone. How their whiskers quivered in the darkness. It was dim, barely lit by some candles and torches brought in from others. Rats and even some snakes and lizards scurried along the walls where they couldn't be seen. She could hear them though. Their nails scratching, scales slithering, very creepy noises that had her second guessing her decision.

It was Kiela's voice that had her courage returning. Both ears perk up as she turns her chin to look at the older woman. Oh thank goodness for sticking together! Lumine couldn't imagine traversing these twisting and confusing hallways alone. Her attention then turns up to the ceiling as Kiela mentions that some of the stone might become loose and fall. A dangerous predicament that surely her father should know about. "Is there a way we can fix the ceilings that want to fall?" Lumine asks, her voice small and quiet in the echoing hallway they stand in. It's not a pertinent question, but her puppy curiosity and fear beg for an answer.


table coding by bunni ♥

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