
Baby Steps




Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (191)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantLoser
01-10-2024, 12:31 PM
Ciná chuckled as she swatted his nose with her tail, his golden gaze gleaming with lecherous amusement. Being back home had very little to do with getting him "riled up", but being with her always managed to do that. "I'm not going to be the only one well taken care of before we head back," he promised with a sly smirk. Sure, he had wanted to pay a visit to his old stomping grounds and let Tira gather all the herbs she needed, but what he had really wanted was to get away with Tira for a while. It wasn't as if they didn't get plenty of privacy when they wanted it back in Valta, but for what he had in mind this place felt like the better backdrop. Hopefully, when it came to it, Tira would agree.

Before he could respond in agreement for knowing the best places to enjoy the herbs she had just gathered, he watched as she pointedly ate a portion from one of the plants she had gathered from the selection of contraceptive herbs just moments ago. She was certainly never subtle, but he loved how direct she was with what she wanted. He smirked with a low chuckle and replied, "Absolutely. Right this way, beautiful." Ciná led her back out the way they came, holding open the door to the greenhouse for her as they stepped back into the tropical landscape of the island. There were more than a few good spots he could have taken her to, but he already had one in mind before they came to the island so that's the one he stuck with.

He followed a trail that had been cut through the dense jungle foliage, leading her away from the large compound that the Klein family had called home and back into the thick of the trees and greenery. The path was a bit rougher and more grown in than the last time he had walked it, but it was still usable. It wasn't too long of a walk before they made it to a secluded cove on the other side of the island with soft, pale beach stretching out on either side of them. On this side of the island you couldn't even see the mainland so it really did give the illusion that they were much farther away from civilization than they really were. There was one of the island's many large gazebos right at the edge of the beach and as soon as he stepped onto the covered platform he lifted the seat of one of the benches, revealing a storage area underneath. "Thank goodness Chimera didn't clean this place out when he left," he said with a chuckle as he began to pull out a few furs and some firewood out from storage. The furs would likely be a bit musty from sitting in storage for so long, but they'd certainly do the trick for their evening on the beach.

"Cináed & Satira"