
The Start of Something



Ars Goetia

Expert Fighter (143)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - BisexualSnake EyesOoh La LaCritical Fail!
01-12-2024, 06:29 PM

Stolas was doing his damnedest to try and maintain his composure and not look like some nervous, awkward bumbling yearling as he invited Fiametta into his personal chambers. The look in her ebony gaze and that devious smirk on her lips when she stepped past him inside didn't escape the vigilant Klein's notice, and it immediately made his face flush hot, though he did his best to mask it behind a wide, toothy smile. Gods above, why did he feel so nervous around her like this?! It wasn't like he was a virgin or anything; but maybe that was why he felt this way. His first experiences into romance had gone so sour, so poorly, that he didn't want to repeat the same things again with Fia. He cared so much for the beautiful fire-marked fae. She was his closest friend and made him feel ways no one else had. He couldn't lose it all over being stupid again like he had been with Widow.

As she maneuvered her way through his room taking in the space, Stolas followed behind her, pausing near the doorway between the lounge and his bedroom to watch her. His gray eyes unable to keep from following the svelte form of her body as she moved gracefully, the way her hips would shift subtly to and fro with every step she took. A little pleased smirk touched the Klein brute's lips as he surreptitiously appreciated her beauty. And then she was flopping down to his bed, sprawling her form out across the plush furs like she had always belonged there. The hum she purred out and the way she looked back at him... gods, she set his blood on fire! Stolas' smirk immediately melted from his face, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape in a silent gasp as he was suddenly facing a very sensual, very erotically displayed Fiametta in his bed.

She only spoke one word, to compliment the comfort of his bed. Then it was just their eyes and body language speaking for them. Fia was inviting him in, asking him with her body to join her. Stolas swallowed thickly, a look of stunned surprise on his face as he drank in the sight of the gorgeous fae in his bed. In HIS bed! The look in Fia’s eyes left little question what she expected him to do, and Stolas so badly wanted to give in to her demands, and he would. Giant paws carrying him almost subconsciously towards her, unable to take his eyes away from her for a second. His heart was pounding in his chest, getting louder the closer he got to her. Okay, Stolas. You’ve got this. Just because sex fucked up your whole life once doesn’t mean it’s going to happen again.

"Oh, it's very cozy," said the prince with a lopsided grin on his lips. Coming up beside Fia, Stolas sank down to join her on his bed, the furs shifting under his weight as he lay beside her with their sides pressing together, the softness of her fur mingling with his own coat in their combined warmth. His pulse spiked, that heat growing in his chest and belly. Leaning his head in, Stolas tested the waters with Fia, moving to nuzzle along the side of her cheek and neck with his muzzle. "And how about now? Even cozier?" he remarked, hoping he was maybe coming off as suave and not like some anxiety-riddled mess.

"Fiametta & Stolas"

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1. The Start of Something Cryer's Ravine 06:45 PM, 07-10-2023 11:00 AM, 04-10-2024