
Meat's Back On The Menu Boys [Sid]


The Hallows

Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

1 Year
Dire wolf
01-13-2024, 01:58 PM

Nelu had done some thinking on the future, trying to decide what his role in the pack should be. Although fighting was interesting it was a skill he felt compelled to learn out of necessity rather than enjoyment. Truth be told he enjoyed learning many things and so he decided the best course would be to become a Scholar. He wanted to learn all he could about the lands they resided in and the things that could be done with the resources they possessed. One particular area of interest was the Fossil Ridge with its great many bones and strange formations. So much to learn and analyze here. With his companions in tow he was eager to gather samples, until he caught the scent of Raiders.

Nelu frowned, it seemed to be the two that had appeared at the Harvest Ball. They had trespassed and he certainly hoped they would not do it again. It was very rude. Perhaps their parents did not teach them very much? Maybe he should meet them and discuss such matters. Yes, yes, that is what he would do.

Nelu shifted course to spy the black-pelted pup but before he could call out a sudden howl and jolt of movement drew his eyes to a lion. Oh no! He spied the girl run to her brother but there was little time to think for the lion attacked. Nelu was not sure on the proper protocol. The Raiders were not allies, but he did not think it correct, based on his knowledge of the Hallows, to not lend a helping fang.

Nelu darted forward, defenses setting into position as he approached the lion from behind, his long legs eating up the distance before his fangs latched onto the lion's tail with bone crushing force. The lion snarled and twisted around, claws lashing out. He released the tail and tried to dodge but was struck across the left shoulder leaving moderate wounds and casting his blood into the dust.

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1. Meat's Back On The Menu Boys [Sid] Fossil Ridge 12:17 PM, 01-13-2024 10:46 PM, 03-25-2024