
Take a Bite and Let it Linger


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
01-13-2024, 06:59 PM

He didn't quite care that he had been absent as of late. His hatred towards the Polar Sound's atmosphere pissed him off more than any of them knew, which drew him away from the majority of the Saxe hoard. It seemed every time he awoke from his slumber, more faces appeared. Leaving him to venture off to explore more of these new lands. So, when that familiar howl rang through the sky and filled the hot summer air with its presence. There wasn't much he could do by rising from where he lay peering over those below. Bodies gathering one by one just under the cliff to which he chose to claim as per usual. What was the point of making a den here if they weren't even sure if they would be staying permanently?

Cifarelli sighed. Pressing the motion out with a forced yawn shortly after. What could be the meaning of such a beckoning that all arrived with no hesitation? Easily slipping down the cliff's path and rounding the corners that lead to the group. He gave a short nod. Brushing his shoulder against Sephiran's side. A head butt to their Uncle Rhaz. A glare shot to Kai and Yarra. He took his seat just short of Ezekial. Casting a look at the two-headed wolf which seemed to throw his entire focus off. "The fuck is that?" Nodding in their direction.


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1. Take a Bite and Let it Linger The Polar Sound 05:27 PM, 01-06-2024 08:56 AM, 05-08-2024