
Happy Birthday, times twelve

All the Britorias kids’ birthdays ♥


The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
01-14-2024, 05:48 PM

With a little groan, Clove opened her sleepy, monochromatic eyes. It wasn’t her parent’s call that woke her first- but the sunlight trickling in through the curtains of the window, as it spread across her face and into her vision. She might have rolled over and gone back to sleep, because she wasn't much of an early bird. But today was much different than every other day- it was her birthday.

Mother and father had told them they would have a surprise waiting for them in the morning. It had been hard to fall asleep that night- much like a child on Christmas Eve, she had tossed and turned, waiting for the hours to pass. And now that it was morning, and dawn had brought in some sunlight to wake her up. Clove shot up from bed, wiping the sleep from her eyes and stretching out her legs. That’s when Father released his howl, calling them all downstairs, which made her move faster. Rushing over to her mother’s vanity, she quickly brushed her pelt, rubbed on some clove scented perfume, and rushed out of the room and down the stairs. She was so excited, she didn’t even think to wake up her brothers and sisters. She just wanted to see what Mom and Dad prepared for them!

Running through the coridore, and pushing through the doors to the Great Hall. Clove was overtaken by the beautiful decorations that covered the room corner to corner, and the huge spread of yummy foods. Her eyes were lit with child-like wonder, jaw hanging open as a delighted smile pulled at her lips. Wow, wow, wow! Her eyes scanned the room slowly, taking it all in, before falling on her parents who were at the head of the table. "Hi Mom, hi Dad!" Padding over to them, she rubbed herself against them both- bumping her head affectionately against theirs, nuzzling them with her snout. “This is amazing!” She beamed, looking up at them with genuineness in her eyes.

And once they shared their sentimental moment, Clove would take her place at the table, where she usually sat. Immediately noticing the small box that was wrapped with a beautiful bow. Placing a paw on it, she fumbled it around a bit- trying to get an idea, of what could be inside. But she knew she had to wait for everyone else before she opened it.

Giggling, she looked out across the table, contemplating what she would eat for her first course. Hopefully her siblings would be here soon so they could eat!  


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1. Happy Birthday, times twelve Amron's Castle 09:43 PM, 01-09-2024 08:26 AM, 05-07-2024