
‘Cause there’s a shortcut down the beaten path

Open to pack leaders too!



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
01-14-2024, 07:35 PM (This post was last modified: 01-14-2024, 11:26 PM by Meadowlark. Edited 1 time in total.)

Meadowlark was so focused on wondering if the pools were safe that she hardly noticed another wolf walk up behind her. The sudden surprise made Meadowlark jump nearly out of her skin, though realistically she only moved to the side a few feet. A quick glance to the source of the sudden voice resulted in noticing a wolf bigger than herself with a pair of horns growing from her head and sporting a pair of saber fangs. A look of confusion and shock was set in her face, scrunching up the eyebrows just a bit. “What in the world? What a weird looking wolf.." she said softly to herself, though loud enough for the other to hear. “O-oh, gods! Sorry!! I didn't say anything, honest! Don't eat me!" Meadowlark tried to pretend she didn't just say something so offensive, though she was quite terrible at it.

As Meadowlark shied away a little, she noticed the wolf creature slip into the water and look comfortable in it. This smelly water was ... comfortable? Well for certain the woman wasn't screaming in terrible pain or melting to the bone, nor was she affected by the smell. Does one get used to it after a while? The woman's statement made Meadowlark freeze for a moment. “Wait, this water can bite you? Where are its teeth?" A sudden realization at just how weird that was. “Well.. of course water doesn't bite." Meadowlark said, an awkward nervous laugh escaping her lips. “It's not like water has teeth... Or does it?"

End weird, awkward first impression here. Deciding to try and put that behind her, Meadowlark thought it may be best to try not to look like a freak. Time to swallow the fear and gain a little bit of courage! A few gradual steps forward and Meadowlark found herself next to the pool of steaming water. Like a child who didn't follow their good conscience, Meadowlark allowed curiosity to take over her better judgement since the other wolf was seemingly enjoying herself. A paw was lifted gently over the surface and quickly dipped, testing the waters temperature. Considering the other wolf was not melting to the bone, nor did the water actually hurt her paw, Meadowlark took her curiosity one step further and walked into the pool.

At first, she wasn't sure what to make of it. The water felt... different. While it smelled horrid, it somehow felt.. pleasant. “Woah! I suppose the only biting the water may do would be the temperature if you're not used to it." she said. “How is the water this hot though?" Now the gears began to come online in the brain. Meadowlark wanted to know the source of the water and how it heated itself. And why it smelled so bad. Upon laying down so that her body was covered, but not her neck and head, Meadowlark developed a bit of a smile. Something that she hadn't done for quite a while now.


OOC: xxx

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1. ‘Cause there’s a shortcut down the beaten path The Hot Springs 11:27 PM, 01-13-2024 12:33 PM, 07-16-2024