
Signs of Life

Pack Meeting



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
01-14-2024, 10:18 PM

She waited for everyone to gather and slowly, one by one, they all began to appear–though most surprisingly was Albion. Not only had he kept to his word and returned to Elysium, but he was the very first to arrive. She offered him a small smile, but was quick to turn her attention to the others as they approached. The blue brothers, Ricin and Chade, followed by her cousin Nirvana, Ikigai and her Uncle Deimos... Already the turnout was better than she had anticipated and her worry over whether or absence had left the pack fractured began to wane. Even Scylla–who looked a bit worse for wear–appeared in the crowd. Just as she was giving her parents a smile she felt the familiar presence of Saracyn at her side and she glanced over to him as she leaned her shoulder into his. Irilyth was the last wolf that she was certain would show and she was just about to start the meeting when she spotted Terra and Lotus bringing up the rear, clearly just having arrived from the border. She hadn't seen either of them in some time so it was good to see them back within the borders once more.

She wasn't surprised to not see her younger siblings among the crowd, though it did make her think to send out her ravens to check in on Fia, Malico, and Mariah in the coming days. Letting them go on their own for a time hadn't necessarily been a difficult decision, but she did hope that they would return soon enough. The only other truly notable absence was Desponia, but the woman was always distant at best and she made a mental note to track down her half-aunt at some point soon to check in on her as well. After waiting another moment just to ensure that no one else would turn up, she cleared her throat and sat up a little taller as she began to address the crowd.

"Thank you for coming, everyone," she said with a gentle smile. "It's been far too long since we have all been in the same space. I want to thank all of you for remaining here and remaining loyal to our pack through my absence. My hope is to be a stronger presence here now that I am feeling more like myself again." She glanced across the crowd as she added, "This meeting was mostly for me to see which of your still called Elysium home, but while you're all here I do have a couple promotions to announce. First, Scylla has earned her place as our Master Warrior, filling the last vacancy in our Master ranks. Second, Albion has graciously accepted the rank of Advisor, filling the last spot in my Council." She nodded to each of them as they were named, before adding, "I have always believed that a leader is nothing without the right individuals around them so I hope that these two will help me in making Elysium the best it has ever been."

"Now... unless anyone else has anything they would like to bring up or mention to the group while we are all here you are free to go. Thank you again for your time," she told everyone after a brief pause, leaving the floor open for anyone that wished to speak. It was a short meeting, but she got the census she had been hoping for out of it and it gave her a better idea of how to handle things moving forward.

"Avacyn Medacium"

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1. Signs of Life Alias Island 03:00 PM, 12-02-2023 11:09 AM, 03-19-2024