
A Little More Than a Favor




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
01-14-2024, 11:34 PM

As she had expected, her initial statement was met with laughter. It was a ridiculous request–especially for her to be making of Scylla. She knew that for the rest of her life she would be trying to find some way to repay the Klein fae just for staying in Elysium and continuing to support her after her betrayal. How would she ever manage to repay her now with this even more ludicrous request? She heard herself even as she asked it and knew that her chances of getting Scylla to agree were slim to none, but after she had explained why she had been pushed to look for this kind of arrangement she saw Scylla's humor slip and how the slate woman began to regard her more seriously. Hopefully Scylla understood that she wouldn't ask her to do such a thing if there was any other way. She came to a stop with Scylla, facing her in the brief bit of silence that followed.

As Scylla pointed out that she had fucked her brother in the same manner that she had fucked her, Ava's gaze flicked away as her cheeks burned at the memory. "I'm aware, but... My reasoning stands." Whether or not either of their times with Scylla had been consensual or not, she was still the only other woman Sara had been with–at least that she was aware of–and somehow it made it better to at least limit the number of wolves that Sara had been with if it was unavoidable that she would need to share him at least once more. It was a thin attempt at easing her own jealousy since Scylla would be able to give him something that she would never be able to do, but any small balm for this bittersweet ache in this chest was one she'd take.

Avacyn was quiet while Scylla seemed to be considering the request. She feared that if she tried to explain herself or find reason for the task any more than she had she would only end up digging herself a deeper hole so she waited, watching Scylla's expression while her Master Warrior pondered. Eventually their gazes met once more and Scylla scrutinized her until she asked her a question, catching Ava off guard and making her gaze widen slightly. Her ears folded back bashfully once more, a wistful regret crossing her features. "Once... yes," she admitted willingly enough with a small nod. Why hide that fact? She and Albion had once been betrothed, after all, and in the hight of their courting she had enjoyed him very much so. After giving another laugh, Scylla finally said that she would fuck her brother in return and after a beat she realized this was Scylla's way of agreeing to be their surrogate.

Avacyn blinked with disbelief and stood there in stunned silence for a moment before her mind finally caught up with her body and she nodded in acknowledgement. "Thank you," she finally managed once she found her voice once more. Their family, their children... Perhaps it wasn't such a distant dream after all. No matter how bittersweet all of this was for her, the excitement at the thought that crept up into her chest made it all worth it. "I don't know what could possibly equal the value of our children's lives, but... if you ever think of something that we can give you... then it's yours," she vowed with a humbled dip of her head. She was about to turn to leave to tell Sara of the development when she paused with a shy glance back at Scylla, hesitating before she added, "And if you ever wanted to fuck me again..." her voice trailed off, her moment of boldness floundering quickly as she trotted off, doing her best to ignore the heat that spread across her face once more.

"Avacyn Mendacium"

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