
At mér skyldi kaupa




Intermediate Healer (30)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

6 Years
Extra small
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-15-2024, 01:23 AM

She was exhausted and ready to sleep for a week! She'd been tending to the old woman that had collapsed on their border, staying up through night and day with very little sleep in an effort to keep her alive. She was in very bad shape and very, very ill by the time she had arrived and Noelle was feeling doubt about the woman's survival...still, she wouldn't give up. When she heard the unknown call, followed shortly by Beauregard's, she stiffened and her fur bristled with alarm. She recognized the meaning of both calls after her time in Valhalla, and she was well aware that Norad didn't quite have the numbers to defend themselves properly. Amorielle left to join the defenders, and she was left to watch over the old woman.

She moved to sit at the entrance of her den, ready to fight and defend the ill woman should the attackers try to get to her. Though Noelle had never truly fought before, she knew enough to be able to defend herself thanks to Valhalla. Her heart hammered against her chest as she waited, ready and waiting for any injured packmates if need be...but then she spotted movement when she turned briefly to glance at Paradise, and she recognized it as a foe by the way they were sneaking around.

The usually docile and gentle woman felt her fur bristling again as she shot to her feet, her heart pounding harder against her chest as she made the abrupt decision that she had to do something. She couldn't just let this intruder sneak around in her home! Stepping out into the rain, she uttered a growl, though it wasn't as threatening as she had hoped. "Y-you! S-stop right there!"

Noelle vs Rota for Raid
Round: 0/?
Age: over 1yr
Size: Extra small
Build: Light
Disability: Partial Blindness - Moderate
Skills: Intermediate Healer & Intermediate Intellectual


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1. At mér skyldi kaupa Cedar Falls 04:32 PM, 01-11-2024 02:45 AM, 02-13-2024