
you'll always be my sunshines

puppy play date!



Advanced Fighter (60)

Intermediate Healer (30)

1 Year
Dire wolf
01-15-2024, 02:11 AM
Of course she was excited to get to go out of the den again, even if it meant that she had to endure being scooped up into pouches and carried all squished up next to her siblings. Luckily she got put in the same pouch as Lumine and Styr so at least she avoided whatever was going on between Steig and Hall which meant that her ride down into the valley was a pretty peaceful one spent with her golden paws dangling over the lip of the pouch so she could see out easily. The moment that they were placed down on the soft ground some of her siblings went running off despite their mother's stern warning and the fact that their mother had brought four companions with her to keep them reigned in. Really, sometimes she wondered whether or not any of them had any brains! If they were going to get into mischief this was clearly not the opportunity to do it.

Who did have the right idea, it seemed, was Hall who she spotted quickly running around and picking a small bundle of flowers. She picked up on what he was up to well before he ran over to present them to their mother so she followed in his footsteps, finding her own patch of flowers to gather from. She made sure to keep an eye on Hall so that she could ensure she was picking more flowers than he was by at least one and once she was satisfied she bounded over and dropped her own collection of blooms on their mom's paws as well, standing next to Hall with a bright grin. "So are these!" she declared, her tail wagging fast behind her. This was sure to earn them some brownie points, right?!

"Rúna Trygg"

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1. you'll always be my sunshines Fenrir's Maw 09:51 AM, 01-06-2024 02:14 PM, 03-13-2024